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Everything posted by NeXiLe

  1. pretty sure I got about 80 something.. then I opened them all.. after which, I realized I probably could have just ran into wild and died, correct?
  2. Yeah, I have no idea how that happened D: It wasn't posting so I checked the forum to see if it posted and it didn't show them so I posted another;\ sorry :( But I find it strange that I get 22 back at lvl 60.. and my friend, who's also lvl 60, only gets 20 back.. something isn't right.
  3. Everytime I've asked someone, they've told me that the amount a prayer pot dose heals is 1/3 your level (rounded down I think.) The thing is, I'm level 60 prayer.. and when I drink a dose, I get 22 prayer back. I've tested this several times to make sure I'm not crazy and asked someone that also has 60 prayer to test it.. and it only heals 20 for them. Is there some other factor that determines how much prayer is healed? I had a +3 prayer bonus and the guy who only got 20 back had a +7 so it couldn't have been that. I'm confused.. I'm not complaining though, am I just lucky?
  4. Current goals Everything above 50 (shouldn't be hard) attack 99 strength 99 magic 94 fletching 99 prayer 69 (people say the aomunt a p pot heals is 1/3 rounded down.. but I'm 60 and I swear my pots heal 22?) If I get the levels I want, I should be 99 att, 99 str, 70 def, 94 mage and 69 prayer and I'd probably have 95 hp.. so I'd be lvl 114 :] it's gonna take a while
  5. Definately exp. 1m in rc would be a nice boost:]
  6. Saw this while alching the other day. Noob 1: hey u have a bf? Noob 2: no Noob 1: wanna be my gf? noob 2: ur just trying to get in my pants noob 1: noob
  7. Nope, I don't like to know how little I did that day=o I know what levels I got and that's all I need
  8. Well I get him all the time while alching, think I got all the clothes in 1 day =o
  9. I seriously thought the maze was gone. I used to get them all the time but hadn't for months. I got one a couple days ago, 590 chaos runes and 147 death runes at 61% ;o
  10. How can you not pk? don't you like it? If pking wasn't in this game, I doubt I'd play it. I get all my stats up and make all the money I can for 1 thing - to pk. I hate questing in nearly every game, no fun at all. I can't think of any skills I enjoy leveling and killing monsters is boring.. I don't know how you don't like pking:p Gl finding some rs buddies:p I only have 1 friend irl that plays this game, the rest don't play any games at all really..
  11. Nothing wrong with pures. I wish I had the time and patience to make one. I started making an f2p pure a while ago but for some reason thought it was a good idea to get him 10def.. now I have no idea what to do with him. I don't run into many pures my level and when I run into a pure lower level, it's funny cause they have about the same att and str as me with either like 1 or 45 def and I easily beat them. I gotta say, I love watching pk vids of pures or seeing a pure pk someone else and spec 30's with their dagger at like lvl 80:p
  12. Uh mostly no.. maybe if they're doing you a favor by selling you something cheap but the compliment example is definately a no. When you tella girl she looks nice and she says thank you, you don't say no problem.. and if you do, that girl doesn't like you btw :P
  13. I remember seeing a little chart/table that showed how much pray you would get back from a prayer pot dose at what level you're at, if anyone could link me to it, or just tell me the foruma, I would love you<3 tip.it should really add it to their prayer guide btw:p
  14. I neglect a lot of skills:O My hunter is at lvl 4 (from tears of guthix once) and construction is at 35 (got that the day it came out then decided it's useless.) Like everyone else, I neglect firemaking.. I DID neglect herblore/farming but I realized both help A LOT!
  15. Thanks alot for the quick reply Just one more thing, is there any new weapons/armour I should know about? am I still good using torag + obby cape and shield and whip to level?:]
  16. Hey, I'm not exactly sure when I stopped playing rs but I know it was a few months before the new magic and range prayers came out. What I was wondering is how much it has changed.. Basically, I have a whip, 11m, full something.. torag? (the barrows armour with the dual hammers) and a bunch of other stuff, is this still good to jump start me? has there been much inflation? Basically, could someone quickly tell me how much some of these things sell for now? Whip torag(hammer armour?) natures magic logs those obby shields and capes? I just don't want to play if there's way too much money going around and I can't get back into it And for those that have played a while, do you think the game has improved since before they came out with the new prayers? and what's up with this new skill?:P Sorry for the very wide range of questions, you don't have to answer them, just tell me what you can about how rs has changed since then, thanks!:]
  17. I'm confused. I'm probably just stupid but I swear I've seen 1def pures with dragon scims=\
  18. All I know is you have to complete the quest: Creature of "frankenstrain?" They have weird spelling I think. And I think it's around Canifis.
  19. I'm sure you guys won't like these 2 names much (both belong to 2 different friends) babydiddler snatchnurkid We joke around about weird things, people takes things really serious!
  20. I've had a few things taken that I lent someone but they were all under 50k and the person would go "ty!!!!hahaha" and run and I'd just mesage them "lol?" Anyways, I probably wouldn't lend more than 500k-1m to someone in a game that I don't know personally. But I have a few friends in real life who play this game and ALOT of lending goes on;p
  21. By the way, add me ingame and I can charge your glories for you if you'd like - SOMETIMES, like when I'm charging mine (And I won't scam, I'll give you however many charged ones for your uncharged just because I'm awesome).
  22. I'm a noob cause I high alched my whip and bought alot of willow logs at 1k each because it was the 1 time I didn't check if they were magics.
  23. I have a red flag and it doesn't tell me how many black marks I have, doesn't say anything=\ And I'm not banned.
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