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  1. Haha c'est assez drole de voir des anglais dire quil se debrouille en francais quand quils fasse moin de faute que les quebecois comme nous :P ( if you want a translation, just use google :D )
  2. can I get it back after ive done heros?
  3. one time I was being all manly and walking down the street to get some crack... I saw a little pink bunny get slaughted by a ford... then a dog ran across the road and just took the bunny and ate it... I cried for hours... ooh and I found one bone of the bunny and buried it after I was done crying... and while I was burying it... I cried more... :cry:
  4. craft nats at the abyss, u can make a good 250k per hour that way :) be sure to have tons of glory tho :D
  5. gonna be faster diging everywhere in the game..........lol....
  6. 25 degree - 3 min north 17 degree - 5 min east was never good with sextan and can found the link where i used to get the coordinate answer, any help will be very apreciated, thx
  7. nah you cant... its not tradable either. haha I just dropped all those before I even got my second rune one... and never thought about it... but I dont care... I will also be alching my third one if I get another one... cause I have another 44 minutes worth of token to waste
  8. but I wanted to alch it... not like I was loosing anything... I already had one...
  9. but what if It like... alched for 20k or 30k?...
  10. well I have it for you guys... here are the pictures for it... see look... not even 1 gp... haha these are worth nothing but the stats they have... which arent bad actually for under 1k tokens use to get 2 of em ooh and your welcome to anyone who wanted to know how much they high alch fors
  11. Ive been on members for like 8 days now... after an 8 months break I came back with nothing... now I got my 28 glory ammys(I havent done heroes so I have friends recharge for me haha such a pain!*if anyone on here has 28 ammys also and can charge add me...ill pay a little*)... its not hard at all to get em... just gotta rc like crazy... was 46 last week now 56... and I was running the whole time for the company cause it was making more money for me. anyways yea... I love my glory ammys... they are a life line to money for me, there is nothing easier in rs to make money than rcing... Ooh... also ive got a whip and rune defender now also!! this is fun!
  12. tragically your plane will go down on your way over there... you will live threw (right one?) the crash landing in the sea but get eaten alive by a giant whale... ooh but you will live threw that also inside of the whales stomach living off fish and other stuff it eats... 6 months later you will pop out of the whale and find yourself at the south pole...what a trip right? and sorry for all your dead friends \
  13. I'm positive that's against the rules... but good luck with it... :-w
  14. uhh before you register on TIP.it you have to agree to COPPA which basically says if you're under 13 you need to have your parents submit signed form to tip it to allow u to be on this forum mods are violating this by seeing this and not banning u :wall: Assuming u haevn't submmited the proper forms. There's a lot of people here who aren't 13 and they're not banned. yea look at me im not 13 and im not banned (Im 17 \ )
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