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Everything posted by King_Grant_I

  1. I've seen people get permanently banned for saying runehq or tip.it in game and Jagex stating in they're ban message that they were "adverstising". If anyone in the history of runescape should be permnantly banned I cant think of a more likely candidate than this durial. I think you should rethink this idea of not giving him a permanent ban... _________________________________________________ I think this punishment is fully justified. The fact that Durian was a level 115 shows that his is an avid runescaper and would not really want any harm to come to his account. I know that he went round killing a few people but he wasnt doing to gain an unfair advantage. If you watch the video you will see that there is a group of 100+ randomers all following him, cheering him on and a lot of them are asking him to attack them too. Surely some of these people should be banned for 'encouraging others too break rules'? But the fact is, with so many people all following you, you're gunna have a massive and uncontrable high as well as an immense sugar rush. This added to the fact of being given the power to kill whoever he pleases shows that he was actually caught up in the moment. This guy could have made billions but he chose not to. Why? - BEcause he wasnt doing it for this reason. Ina sense it was more peer pressure and the punishment I suggested of not perm banning him would suit his actions more. If Jagex perm ban him then I dont think that they're doing justice. If he made billions of this then I could maybe possibly understand a perm ban but it wasnt done for profitable reasons. This is a big mistake and is quite obviously a wrong moment, wrong time scenario. Seriously though, watch the video and its nowhere near as bad as people make it uot to be at all. The only reason why I can see that other people want him perm banned is jealousy.
  2. What Durial did was wrong. Doing a bit of damage to someone outside the wilderness is acceptable as long as you dont kill them in my opinion. Durial on the other hand was going on a killing spree, trying to get-rich-quick. People work long and hard for party hats. I know that, you know that and probably half of runescape knows that too. But this guy just goes and kills people regardless taking their phat as they die. People put so much work, effort and emotion into their phat just for him to come and take it. Like you said, hes a 16 year old boy. He should know the difference between right and wrong and should know that the 'bug abuse' rule is one of the most severe to break. I dont think perm banning people is the best course of action but I do believe he should be banned for a lengthly period of time (3-4 weeks) and be maxed out to 3 black marks.
  3. 2nd05013 wrote: THUS there will be an endless demand in planks, or other materials such as nails, clay and steel. Therefore the rare economy will plummet, so I advise you to start selling now!! I sense a different motive behind this post. ~Duke Freedom _______________ I dont... Havent you been banned anyway?
  4. Me and Kuja were hosting a nat run - paying 12k cash per run. But Kuja accidently gave a runner 12k nats (3 mill+)! He was annoyed so I donated him 1 mill cash :D
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