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    son dog vid games and beer.
  1. before there was mr. calc.. there was this..
  2. yeah, so they can do like they did with d boots and give them to lvl 83's in a certain skill. what? I'm 146 after a few years and still get royally screwed? nah anyone in their right mind would pass on what jagex has to offer. balance? yes thats what we want, mage is a real class, oh here to top off your dds ect have a mage sword..... lovely design that they have. story lines have been neglected after the elimination of a few key persons, and in stead they court lvl 60-110 players throwing wayside anyone who really works to achieve in the game. I see no future in rs except the harvesting of souls in the name of increasing grower's bank.
  3. runescape is or was essentially a M.U.D. that jagex proceeded to embrace, build on, get lazy on and the feck up beyond recognition. any old player will tell you that. yeah animation, ok if they give two sheets move past the crappy browers based java craop and build a real engine. or embrace what they tossed aside. and hey master smither *cough choke*, did you see those [cabbage]tttty pics you posted,? I need a few more miniclip or skin site ads. pl0x. jagex went ghetto. are you a good kisser? who wants to see that [cabbage] in a game that they pay for, or get banned for blocking that crap. oh here have some randoms. rs= crapola
  4. another thing thats killing the game. I got sick of it and quit months ago. still check the updates for sumt to make me go OOOooOooO YAY! let down weekly.
  5. looks and plays like pac sumt off my atari. toss in the rewards and continuing damage to the balance of the game in regards to what they promised four years ago concerning classes. meh. I'm retired for 3 months already and gotta say, it sure isn't what it was in its heyday. and no i'm not a noob, or a rich snobby high lvl. I'm a dude who earnt my lvls and enjoyed the time I spent in the game till the end. Although I have to hand it to em they made it into the late 20th century while only in the early 21st with guild chat, and such an "instaince" run is definatly an upgrade. although its still ghetto rs, everyone stand around and hope A)someone next to you dies B) you can steal a kill. only they made dboots noob. darkbows suck. and forever [bleep]ed up the balance on this one.
  6. I disagree with both your points here. First off, in a MMORPG game balance should always be much more important than the time or effort to get an item. The newly released items (godsword, dark bow) are getting too much KO power to a point that pking is more about a lucky first (and final) hit than any form of strategy or tactics. Surely, that can't be a good thing? Secondly, a lvl80 surely does NOT deserve to get 1 hitted by anyone. In wildy, a lvl 80 deserves to get owned by a lvl120, but should have some kind of chance to escape. 1 hitting is game over. Nobody enjoys that, not the attacker, and certainly not the target. AMEN.
  7. seriously, nice pics and ouch, overpowered much? *cough* Dds *cough* exactly, if they didn't [bleep] up the combat "triangle" enough yet, they sure did now. ice super duper duper special, finish with dds. Jagex forgot the meaning of balance.
  8. Grats dude and it is cool but wow, I guess jagex's once super importaint (only in what they said but never in reality) combat triangle balance has been dumped. nope dboots to lvl 83 slayers and this. lol. Good job.
  9. Grats subbss. =D I know you have obsessivly lvled the skill and put an assload of time into it. =D keep goan brother and grats. ;) cya when i see ya
  10. Good thread. When did you stop playing? a month ago Why did you stop playing? because after working slayer skills and other skills I felt screwed. Cut my losses at six hours and the price fix plumiting the bows to four mil in hours with few drops. I downloaded wow. best thing I ever did. Do you still keep up with the updates? still have a few days of members, yes I logged in to kill a mith drag. still haven't imp hunted and don't plan on it. Do you still log on occasionally? yes, I have friends there, and I figure i'll member every few months to catch up quests and work slayer some, as well as keep prayer rank. How has your life changed? I'm happier, I find my online time less pissed at the way jagex has developed a game i've played and enjoyed for years, well till about the time pc came out... What do you do on the computer now? same as always, keep up with the news, and no not faux news. read the bbc, google headlines, truthout.org slashdot.org post on some forums, game, maintain my site, and email. Are there moments when you want to start playing runescape again? If they could wave a magic wand over it and fix the damage that they have done in my eyes, yes, but sadly they are outdated, and scratching for the youngest players, and offering some of the cheesiest updates i've ever seen, toss in the fact that they said that there would be no more drag armor updates... and went back on that, I think jagex doesn't know what they are doing. I have heard from some long term players that two years ago there was a break in the ranks there, and sumt tells me that is true. quest lines have been abandoned and what the game is morphed horribly, if I cared about graphics I never would have played rs. sorry for the negativity, but I am hoping that someone with a bit of influnce over there in london reads this, and i'm sure that they do, its not just me. perhaps the business model has shifted, as java is quite limited, and quickly loosing ground to other platforms for gaming. but I played it as it was and would love to return, but for now. hiya WoW.
  11. lol about the size of it, and the same thinking that went into the incredibly stupid chain of things that they want you to do to get to kill the thing. lmfao, back to WoW.
  12. I got a tuber when Cleanup first came out, saved it incase I ever needed it. Came in handy today :mrgreen: pack a shovel when doing cleanup for favor. or go buy one in two, I'm sure they are jacked.
  13. go to that far north east fishing spot, where you gotta use that agility shortcut bro. that "island across the river"
  14. never knew kait ownt them that bad, personally I never was old school enough to have been in nor at this point or that been willing to risk what I had, but they couldn't figure it out? I bet after that the infiltraition was heavy.
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