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  1. How was I being mean? I'm being nice to them by making no slight of hand towards fresh, and saying to overlook him in that form . . . That way they won't have to lay eyes on such an ugly distraught sight ;) (Jokes . . ) Seriously though . . How is what I said mean? -.- Wait . . . Are you saying . . . Fresh is actually a girl? Thanks for not being mean towards his find tho =P
  2. Ok wacka, I think someone needs to whack you :) And not a girl, if you catch my drift. How many people already said that in this thread? The point was made already... At least say congratulations, if it was a good kill to him, it's obviously one of the better he's made, so therefore, it's good to him, so congratulate him on a good kill in his eyes rather than saying "zoMG, NooB, I've sEen So much BetTeRZ0rZ" (but in a different and more 'kind' way) What's the best thing he got off those people? ;)
  3. Noob to the English language? .-. Can't understand what he's saying or something? >_> <_< *shuts up and goes to read the original post . . *
  4. I think the question should be, why did YOU bother posting? Get a life other than trying to rune other peoples good moments... hes right though those arnt even very good items maybe 350k tops nothing to brag about. grats on the drop i guess It's better than what a lot of people can do . . . It can be incentive for the lower levels . . . And why couldn't he brag to the lower levels? Nonetheless . . . I still like the drop ^^ Compared to others =P Gratz on the find =P
  5. Can I have your friends name so I can report him, please? Umm, exactly which rule is luring breaking?
  6. Basically, this thread is based all around the subject (As all good threads should be ;)) So here's the question. Is there an order for the quests that would be good? Members quests only please, the free quests, I've already done every single one. Like let's say, easiest to hardest. The ones that I should do first, and then the one's to wait a while to do? Like let's say "Fishing Contest" is #1 to finish, while "Desert Treasure" is the last to finish? Any suggestions on what to start with, and where to go from there? (I've done about 10 already, but I need to finish the others)
  7. Well, here we are yet again. But this time, wanna know something? I posted on the REAL runescape forums. And I didn't mention names, but I used some of your explanations to support my point. My post is in the "Rants" section of the Runescape board. I'll post the post on here that I made on the Runescape board. WAIT, GAH! It's too long to put on here . . . How else can I show everyone what's going on in the thread without jumbling everything?
  8. I'm not sure if that's entirely true, what you're saying at least. Well, why . . . You ask . . . I think this is because this rule is based entirely on "Multi-Logging In" If you have 2 accounts on at any one point, they're not allowed to interact in any way, IF it should happen . . OR is it that you may not have any of your 2 accounts interact at all whatsoever, regardless of if you have one account logged in at a time or not? I'm not sure exactly what the whole truth is . . . I messaged Jagex =\ Maybe some of you others should try messaging Jagex with this concern as well, so they can better explain themselves in their own rules?
  9. Could you get any more stupid? Please tell me you were joking . . .
  10. Ok, that's really messed up . . . You were there first for a start, and if anyone is gunna try to keep the place all to themself, it would be yours in terms of you and him . . .
  11. I think this idea is a really good idea to be honest, but it has a lot of downsides too . . . Umm . . . Why does it matter if it was bumped? A forum is made to discuss things, and someone felt as though it wasn't time to stop discussing this ;)
  12. That sounds like a pretty good idea to be honest :) It could use a few adjustments though :)
  13. Suggestions on how I should go about killing these please? It's a pain in the rump bringing arrows . . . When my range isn't all that great and misses a helk of a lot . . . And it's also a pain in the rump to wait for one to come close enough to shore to kill it! I don't have any runes! *growls* Bringing waterskins is also annoying (I haven't played for 4 months, just started back about a week or less ago, so if they have something new, like those ice boxes or w/e it was that I saw, then tell me please) Is there another place besides in the desert to go about killing Crocodiles?!?
  14. true in a way but im only 12 and i fit in with almost all of the other high and semi high lvl lplayes because some ppl can be young and mature I ve talked to you in the game before you probally dont rember but i should of seemed just as a normal person just discusing rs while u were waiting to pk ppl at the mage lever Hehe,But remember i said Cmb lvl doesnt matter,Immediately u reffer you fit in with people higher lvls than you.. It doesnt matter as long as your mature,MAYBE your brought up differently to other people your age and are matare for your age,Some people wont be like that tho. i bring up the high lvl issue because how many imature 7 year olds have u seen who are lvl 100+? I agree with the first post . . . Mostly . . . And Angels, nice one ;)
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