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Posts posted by bladeswin

  1. Ok, so, after a few tries, I flailed my way through One. I went on to NotB, and beat that on my first try. So it's time for Raining Blood. I expect this will take me a while. :wall:




    EDIT: Have not made any progress whatsoever except progressing from failing at 34% to failing at 38%.

  2. These are my main 3 thoughts.




    1. I like that Barack Obama won, he seems like an all around nice guy, somehow he reminds me of JFK. I am glad that Hilary Clinton dindnt win, because to my understanding most of Hilary Clintons reasoning for voting her to the White House is "I am woman, hear me roar".




    2. Huckabee pleasantly surprised me. All the political talking heads condemned him for his "Merry Christmas" commercial (though they dont always get stuff right). I guess after all this media coverage saying Huckabee was going to be dead meat now, I guess I started believing it.




    3. Looks like its going to be an interesting year in politics, I cant wait to see how this goes. My prediction is that the Democrats win the White House, since a lot of people seem to be hating the Republicans.

  3. Hey, I'll join the tour group as long as theres not a difficulty requirement because I'm quite poor at hard, but I'm working to get better. My name is kuNgfuZzlEd. Accept if you want.




    EDIT: Just tried to log on to my account and it wont let me log in. Deny me, I'll try to figure it out first.

  4. Oh no! I didnt realize GH3 sucked! I thought it was quite good! Now that someones friend says so I will have to return it.




    On the whole medium issue, I got GH3 3 days ago, already completely killed it on easy, and I have been taking a short break before medium to play with some other stuff. Medium looks somewhat intimidating, but after about 30 minutes I have gotten used to the blue button. Its not that bad. I think the main thing about medium is that its faster, thats what really trips people up, not the blue button.




    Just my 2 cents.

  5. Guitar-Have a teacher who got a degree in music at Julliard




    Vocals-Family taught me at a very young age




    Drums-Havent been playing for that long but I love it




    Bass-Taught myself, isnt really that hard if you play guitar




    Keyboard-Dont know how but I have just kindof picked it up listening to my sister play




    Baritone-...Dont ask. :wall:




    Needless to say I have a very musical family

  6. Oh, I am going to have fun with this one.




    Even though its supposed to be humorous, I just have to post the lyrics to the song humorist Dave Barry wrote about Tupperware.




    The Tupperware Song




    "Some folks use waxed paper


    Some folks use the Reynolds Wrap


    Some folks use the plastic baggie


    to try to cover up the gap


    You can use most anything


    To keep your goodies from the air


    But nothing works as well


    As that good old Tupperware








    'Cause it's here




    Take a look at what we got


    If you don't try some and buy some


    Don't blame me when your turnips rot"




    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :shock:




    Another song with bad lyrics is the song Psychobilly Freakout by the Reverand Horton Heat, but the guitar part far makes up for his use of only 15 different words in that song.

  7. Ok thanks, ill try that




    EDIT: I know it is taking the picture but now I am unable to locate it. Please help. It is stored under .bmp if that helps anyone.




    LAST EDIT: FOUND THEM!!!! YAY!!! Thanks to all of you for your help. I appreciate it.

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