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Posts posted by bladeswin

  1. Hi all,


    I just bought a cannon(w00t! my first shot with it was a 1 hit lol just so u kno)


    and i was wondering how i should make money. Since this cannon p0wns, i was wondering, should i use it on steel dragons and gain legs/skirts/meds? I want to fight these dragons, but im not sure how or if i can even use the cannon.


    All help is appreciated and ty in advance

  2. umm...plz dont call me a noob but,


    what range does a cannon require?


    how do u make cannon balls?


    what is the quest you have to do?


    I think its dwarven cannon but i just can remember the answers to any of these questions. :wall: :wall: :wall:

  3. i can imagine the hackers conversation with his friend


    Hacker:Omg! I got hacked! I cant get on!


    Friend:What? The account u hacked?


    H: Yeah!




    H:Its not funny! I put a bunch of money and stuff on that account!




    H:Im gonna report that guy for password scamming!


    F:Well how did the guy learn the changed pass?




    F:Did u change the recovery questions?








    I hope u play rs now lol.


    EDIT: Why does it say im a spammer? its supposed to be haha

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