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  1. very nice place!!!!!!!!! thanks for the invite
  2. you don't need to be on friends, but i can't get in :cry:
  3. very odd.... :shock: :shock: anyone messaged Jagex??
  4. Well, I havn't read a lot of this thread (there is so much of it!) and it's quite late. So I will just say what I think. I do not believe in a God/big guy upstairs etc because I don't need to. I believe that people look to religion as a way of answering questions that are hard to answer. For example: Where did we come from? How was the world created? Where do we go when we die? All these big questions have no answers and that scares people. People don't like to not know big things like this. SO people found a way of making sense of it all. "Well if it wasn't created by anything we know of or can comprehend then it must be from a powerful creator of some sort"----> God. People also don't like to think that life was created by accident and that none of this (existance) means anything, it makes people feel incignificant. Because of this many will believe that they were put here for a reason to serve a higher purpose.---->God I on the other hand as the easy going 17yr old that I am aren't really bothered by these questions such the 3 big ones above and I see saying it was 'God' as taking the easy way out. The truth is no one knows the answers to any of these. Some believe in something imagined by them or portrayed to them and they find it easier to accept. While others, like me, are happy just to see where the flow takes us. Something to ponder.... I think it's just like having an imaginary friend when you are little. At a time when the world is scary and confusing many kids create friends to help/guide them through. Some people never let go but instead change the label. and finally to answer the guy above saying that the bible is gods word.....they are good words yes, but just common sense and courtesy, no more. Argh, off to bed now, it's 1am...if I wrote something stuoid or you have any questions for me to ponder the I'll check back on the 'morrow. :wink:
  5. Did everyone who had their accounts locked have the same password on both sites? My account was not locked but I had different passwords. :?: Weird thing, about half an hour ago I got a PM from someone and it said "Of your account". I have never spoken to or met this person so what on earth is that about. I questioned this person but got no reply and they are now on my ignore list :shock:
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