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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. Cause we are so many light years away from them. It has more to do with light rather than time. It was just interesting to me :)




    Well yes because their life process wasn't initiated as fast as ours. That doesn't make it a different time away from teh beginning of the universe




    We see Andromeda as it was 200,000 years ago because the speed of light.

  2. Yay I own my galaxy ÃÆÃââââ¬Ã rÃÆÃâÃâík or PGC2691938 located at: RA: 13.35292 Declination: 66.85722.




    Thanks so much Trapical! :D




    Which way do I tilt my neck when I look up? Haha, the whole idea is a little quaint in my opinion, but whatever floats your boat.




    It's in Draco.




    And I thought a star was egotistical... :P




    Hey, there's enough to go around. :wink: :P

  3. So, I have this goal in life. And I figured there's got to be enough astronomy freaks around here to help me out, so...I wanna adopt a galaxy! I figure there's billions of them discovered all named by catalog, and I just want one, one to name, so any ideas on how I could do this?

  4. I can't seem really to find a guy who doesn't find Johnny Depp attractive. :lol:




    Again, Stanislav Ianevski aka Viktor Krum, oh how he makes me melt!








    As Viktor Krum:








    Can't wait to see him in Hostel 2.




    Jude Law:








    Both of them: =P~





  5. I've for so long wanted to set up a fund to buy mosquito nets for Afrikan families. At $10 a net, you could save 200,000 Afrikan families for a measly 2 million.




    Since what my cousin saw on his trip to The Gambia and Senegal, I've been on the lookout for funds like these, and have made it one of my lives goals to participate in stopping Malaria.




    BTW know any credible funds that do this?

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