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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. Official sig!!












    An interesting idea, give it a look.




    New update: Even though the pictures don't show it, the friends list would be alphabetical.




    New update: If a stranger PM's you, when you hit respond, their name will automatically go under 'Other'. And can then be moved elsewhere if needed.




    First of all, I'd would like to give an extended thank you to Thagern and N0valyfe, for the ideas and inspiration.




    Now down to business, I have designed a new and improved friends list. It allows you to have four categories with a list capacity each of 100 friends. The topics as of now are, Friends, Merchants, Clans, and Other. The ability to name the categories is still in question. This feature makes your list more organized, and rids of the search for a friends name, or wondering why they were added in the first place.








    You can manually name the categories. Thanks to kn1gh7_K1n6 for the updated picture which is also in alphabetical order. :)






    Please do not add any of these friends to your list. Thank you.




    Now, with this new list, you can also right-click on a friends name, and choose the new option, add to ignore. Which automatically adds the friend to ignore while deleting them from your friends list. This will be a major improvement over the original having to delete the friend, remember their name, and add them to ignore.








    Also, with this system comes the ability to instantly respond to friends. No matter if your friends list is set on or off with the split chat system (though I recommend it be on), you can right-click on the friends name talking to you in your chat area, and click, respond, which brings up the ability to respond to that friend. A much needed update.












    I have made some slight adjustments. In this new friends list it allows you to know how many friends you have, 100 per category, 400 total, and what world you are in.








    Also, there is the ability to name the category to your choosing.








    Tell me what you think of the two different designs.




    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.




    Thanks and Enjoy!








    Thanks to Inferno Char for this new sig!!












    Thanks to Geoffreak for this awesome sig!!












    So if you support, put this in your signature! \'




    No more support list, it was too hard to keep it up to date. So if you support, add the sig if you can fit it.

  2. Ok, so considering a Guthan Spear is the most expensive weapon in the game (I think?), does it hit the highest? What is its max hit with full Guthan and glory? And does it hit higher than Dhoraks Great Axe? Is it worth the investiment of money? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  3. I definitly think lilyuffie88 could surpase Zezima. But the difference now is only about 3 mill exp. Which means Zezima ia leveling up fast. To quite to level up her remainded skills now would be bad, cause Zezima would definitly surpase her.




    Personally, I'd like to see The Old Nite, or Lilyuffie88 in first place. Another favorite I'd like to reach high would be English King, but he was just booted to the top of the second page by someone else. =( But I know he plays cause I saw him in Pest Control.




    Zezima comes off as a bit stuck up. And he teases players by messing with his private chat. Which I think is kind of dirty.

  4. I just got the key and the dragonstone. Supposedly there are runite bars, in the chest. I got, along with the dragonstone, a spinach role and 2k. It's completly random, for the most part.

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