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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. I need your help. As Jagex is to blindsighted to want to listen to sugestions, all 'our' great ideas will remain only, 'ideas'.




    The only way I could see was to email/mail them 'these' few ideas that are good, like the bank page and mine.




    Does anyone think sending them an actual letter is worth the time, or worth it all?




    BTW if I got an address, and anyone has any very well thoughtout ideas, I'll give it to you. Now I'm off to their website to see what I can find.

  2. Man, i feel that exact same way you do. On my first lvl 3 clue, I didnt realize that the sara wizard had meele as well, I had my whip on me and was down to about 10hp when he pulled out another sara strike. Lucky it wasnt a big hit on me so i ate some fod and teleported away :x I went back and did again and found a safe spot to mage it. I HATE the saradomin mage. I think i would much rather have Zammy instead. Or if i get a sara mage again, hopefully there will be a safe sopt.

  3. Wow, thanks for the warning.




    I didn't think Jagex would let something like this slip past them. I originaly thought the nightshade could be traded to players, as a dirty way to kill them, but Jagex stopped that by making it untradable, which is why I didn't think they'd let something like this slip by them. :roll:

  4. That was a really nice story. Very good to know that yes, some good people do exist. I have a friend, I met fishing, I don't know them extremely well but they're always willing to give me anything I need. Yesterday they gave me several sharks for free, and once a bunch of tarromins. And they even offered to give me some money so I didn't have to selll my gilded (but I'd already done so) but I couldn't accept money.

  5. No, there shouldn't be a time limit, Jagex would loose too much money.




    I do half-hour/45 mins/hour blocks with my brother who also plays Runescape. So when I'm not using the computer, I can do other things. Our system works well considering I don't have a computer of my own that can run Runescape. The only downside is if you took extra time, the other person gets extra time too. Or if you were on while they were gone, they want time to make it up. And sometimes your turn ends when you're right in the middle of something, which I really don't like.




    My friend used to play just as much, like 16 hours a day, in the end, it's your decision what you do with your time.




    There's a system you can download to play Runescape, and it has a clock of how long the systems been operating, just no alarm. But there's conters and timers.

  6. Hmm, well there's alot of people wearing full rune, so it's got to be serious players. And it's definitly F2P. I'm going to try and translate the text from Finnish to English.




    The war must've taken place before farming and construction. 'Egillaron's' stats have unranked farming and construction.

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