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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. That sites really cool, but from looking at it, the graphics of RSC seem terrible. I don't quite understand how people could really stand playing a game with such bad graphics.




    Cool the site is still up though. :thumbsup:

  2. Yea I love learning languages. After I learn Dutch, I'm learning every single Scandinavian language, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian, but not Icelandic. \'




    Good luck :shock:




    Hah, you'll need it :)




    \' True that!




    Finnish is a 'pure-language', it's vocabulary is different than any other language on Earth.




    I always thought Dutch was easy? I looked over the grammer, it doesn't seem to complicated, and I've took some German classes, I assume the languages are similar. Anyone know how hard Danish is?

  3. I hear ya.




    One time while I was at a hotel, there were these two maybe 12 year old boys. They were at the pool, and there were these two girls, maybe 17 years old sitting in lounge chairs. So the kids go up to the two girls and start hitting on them (saying pretty disturbing things). I looked over and my jaw dropped. The girls looked at them in disgust and began to leave. But the kids followed them, obviously their parents weren't around. They followed the girls into the hotel, the girls were trying to get them to stop following them but they wouldn't. I'm not sure what happened next, I was in the pool, they turned the corner into the hotel.




    All I could think was wow, and how badly I felt for those two girls.

  4. Well most European countires are joining, and even agreeing to the Euro. But some countries like Denmark, Britain, and Switzerland won't accept the Euro. But almost every country in Europe will have probably joined by late 2007, all that's really left is parts of Eastern Europe.

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