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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. AWSOME guide! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Thankyou so much it helped me sell 17k choas runes and 7k deaths runes to the tzhaar shop in 20 minutes! :thumbsup: . The only thing is that I used mouse keys+right click mouse to sell

  2. Harmful gases being released into the atmosphere cause holes in the Ozone layer, expecially a big one over Antartica, which is melting the polar ice caps, flooding the ocean with fresh water, causing the water to rise, and causing weather anomolies.




    That's the cause of Global Warming. And the increase in natural disasters, like hurricanes, is a by-product of Global Warming.

  3. Evolution is my answer to everything. I don't believe in anything supernatural.




    I have always wondered what the real color of everything is. Color is produced by light, and then our eyes. So is everything a mix of megenta, cyan, and yellow? It really makes you think.

  4. Sad to see you go. Goodbye and have fun in life, you shouldnt refer it to 'wasted' since you played the game for fun and you made freinds and had fun... right? so always stay happy :). Bye.




    Yea but what do i have to show for my time? Nothing but pixels




    Exactly what I thought. And to top it all off. Those pixels you worked so hard for, could be altered and changed in mere seconds.

  5. I need help on MM.




    I share the computer, so there's no way I'll be able to finish the puzzle without logging out. So I want to pay the 200k for it. But everytime I talk to Glough he just yells at me. How do I get him to do the puzzle for me?

  6. I've always wondered. How does the Jagex staff design and program this game? Say they were designing a dragon scimitar, how do they design it? Is it a picture program, do they use codes?




    How do they design areas, and NPC's. I know video games use a program that makes NPC's smarter, and so they can react.




    I know it must be like designing a video game, but it's Java.




    I can't fanthom how they designed Runescape, it blows my mind. So therefore, I must know. Can anyone explain or elaborate?

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