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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. if your going to do that, then wear full rune and whatever will lower your magic bonus the most, that way you'll splash (same exp) and you can cast on the same npc over and over again




    Yes, I forgot about that. Oops :oops:

  2. I have gotten my own computer, it's a Gateway 2000, which I updated to Windows ME. But it runs Runescrape like crap, like a lag every second, and is very slow loading.




    To my knowledge the computers got plenty of hardrive space, and ram. But my friend told me that defraging it would improve my Runescape. He's gone, and I don't know how to defrag. I downloaded two defrag programs, they ran for about 3 hours each, but they didnt seem to do anything. He said it should take up to 2 days. What program do I use to defrag? Any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




    Thanks! :D

  3. Another idea is to make a list of every allotment, hops patch, tree patch, bush patch, fruit tree patch, etc... and spend an hour gathering ingredients to pay the farmers. Than tele to all these places, plant, pay the farmers, then set your amulet of nature to the last thing you grew, which should be the thing that takes the longest. When the amulet notifies you, go collect and plant again.




    Only downside is it uses a lot of laws and other runes.

  4. Well, I'm trying to do Rogue's Den, and everytime I get near a guard, he attacks me before I can use the flashpowder on him. How can I prevent this?




    Also, is their any advice on doing this mini-game?

  5. Alright, I did it a few days ago. It was pretty easy, the demon was easy, however it was a bit frustrating. The one part I hated was when I did Underground Pass, I had to kill that giant spider Kralag, while being attacked by every spider in the cave, it was really tricky and annoying.




    I also decided to beat Desert Treasure as well.




    Thanks everyone for all of your tips.




    I decided Holy Water was a waste of time.

  6. and is the gilded armour something you were actualy wearing. if it wasnt, thats really good. if it was, thats still really good!




    Yes, I'm wearing it. I thought it was appropiate considering Zezima's a high level with a lot of money.

  7. put a word in for the bank page if you make contact


    Will do. :D I've been trying to suggest ideas too, I'm gonna give it another go right now. But I doubt I'll find any where on the site to suggest after searching it 10 times previous.




    But this is really stupid, the Bank Page, and Friend's List are extremely needed updates, and examples of well thought out work, work Jagex therefore doesn't have to do. But no, this is why I see Jagex as stuck up in a way.

  8. Thank you, you guys are so encouraging.




    I also advise bringing some super attack, super str potions




    Thanks. I'll make sure to buy 3 super sets.




    As for the dds, I only have one word, 'wow'.




    And at the moment I drained all my money, so a db axe is kind of out of the way, besides, I don't like how it lowers your defence, but wait, if I'm using prayer...hmm I'll half to look into that. :)

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