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Posts posted by Viktorkrum77

  1. I know, I hope Tonikoos get's it back up. Maybe he closed the site on purpose, after finding out about that site that stole his pictures and pretended to own his bank, while scamming to give away things for free.




    I don't think I can post the site, however, if you do find it, it's hilarious.




    :roll: Scammers, you gotta hate them.

  2. This picture is from 'Tonikoos' archive, I was able to save it before the archive went down. I was wondering if anyone could give me any information about this war. When was it? Who lead it, etc. Are they common? Was this a clan war? Is it one of those World Wars? If anyone knows anything, it's would be great, because I've always wondered.








    Sorry, all the other pictures were lost. :(




    Yep, it's The Mighty Red Dragons, Tonikoos and Rune Baanani are both members of TMRD.

  3. I am annoyed by 'noobs' (in lack of a better word) as well. Especially when selling and buying. They don't even try to come to an agreement, they set their standard to high, and they won't listen to offers that are fair.




    And macroners are horrible. They're everywhere. And also the people who ask for free stuff. This is a game where you earn your own way through, not depend on others, asking for stuff and begging. It would be quicker to do it yourself than procrastinate.




    Anyways, sign me up. I report macroners whenever I go to freeplay, and I try to recrute all my friends to members.




    As Stewie from Family Guy would say: 'Blasted Miniclip!'

  4. Well, on World 2 Falador my favorite things to merchant are:


    Dragon 2h- Buy for 1.5M, sell for 1.55M-1.6M


    Dragon wc axes- Buy for 1.45M, sell for 1.5M


    Great Axes- Buy for 1.5M, sell for 1.55M


    Flails- Buy for 800k, sell for 830k-850K


    And if you lucky:


    Infinity hats- Buy for 2M-2.1M, sell for 2.1M-2.2M


    Black Cavs- Buy for 1M-1.05, sell for 1.1M




    The money adds up after a while. I made 600k yesterday in 1 hour.

  5. I have 3M and I'm looking to get around 5M using world 2 Falador merchanting. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that this is a kind of merchanting used by high levels. If so I am correct, how do I go about merchanting like this? What is in high demand? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)




    My apologies, I know this has been posted many times before. I'm just looking for a more defined guide.

  6. Willows are probably better to cut. And willows give you 90 exp each in firemaking. I'd use them for firemaking, after getting to 70 fletching. For fletching use the yew long method. Plus, if you use the willows for firemaking you'll get lots of total levels, and you won't have to buy the skill later. Even though at 3.5 mill to 99 from 60, it's not that expensive.

  7. It's an ok idea, but it can punish skill purers.




    But what they say is true, macroers are just too smart these days. Randoms were a great idea, but macroers found a route around.




    However, I will agree the verication code is a good idea. They are commonly used on other sites for people registering accounts. Also, maybe Jagex could ask for more personal information when you sign up for f2p. Like adresses, phone numbers, etc... This would make it alot harder for macroeing companies to create accounts, and Jagex can make conenctions to where some of these companies may be working from, and what information seems to match throughout various accounts.




    This way they could ban these companies, or press charges against them in some way.

  8. I don't know if bronze arrows are such a good idea training here, but maybe if you don't mind possible loosing them.




    Anyways, the Hellhounds in Taverly dungeon are good traing to 70, and then 70+ Black Demons down there.




    However you have to be good at hiding, hiding can be tricky.




    BTW 80 or 70 Agility helps, but is not needed.

  9. Nothing, because Runescape 3 will never come out. Or at least no time soon. Jagex has made clear that Rs3 is not currently in the works, or will be anytime soon.




    BTW I believe this belongs in the Suggestions board.

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