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Posts posted by Hounded



    In Tai Bwo Wanna Cleanup, you an get Mosquito Probocises. I think it was once mentioned that these could be used as blowpipe ammunition.... perfect hunting weapon in jungle countries.... :)








    Any Thoughts?




















    Are you seroius??








    Your not joshing me or nothing???








    This is the single most pointless post i have ever read on the general p2p... now sure i have seen other posts much more pointless but for general p2p this one tops the cake....








    you weren't makeing a joke or something right? :roll:




    you must be the one making a joke, because this is the lamest post ive ever seen. Period. Full stop. END. LAME!!!. as to the writer, this does prove that the development of hunting had been going for a while, and your idea does fit :)








    This doesn't prove anything about how long Hunting has been in development since we don't even know that's what it was put in the game for...

  2. PS was a blast... I should really get back into playing there. Sick of friends telling me to play on the other sites which are nothing compared to PS.




    Revenga... yes I read about it. It's too bad =( Hehe for the both of us really... knowing my old stuff is with a bad player. At least you had it for a little while. =)





  3. No offense to the merchants in fally square, they are after all just doing their job, but the prices they give (the ones where they post every color and the amount they pay) are rather low.




    If you have the money and you post those lists on ten different forums though, you're bound to make some money though. ;)





  4. That picture has inspired me to become good friends with my clone, force him to get a makeover to look like me, and then force him to train until he is my combat level.




    We will then become the most successful carnival act in all of runescape! Or so I hope...





  5. Alright... so yea I quit and all... but my brother bought me members to convince me to play, so I was doing a few laps at the agil course because everything is boring and I didn't know what to do while I talk to people, and then my mouse goes over this other guy's char. I didn't know what was up at first... I thought the game was glitching my own name or something... but no... it wasn't me... well it sort of is =) :








    I found it insanley cool and rather shocking. =)





  6. No there was/is no way to see which are "real" and which are "fake".




    And they didn't flip so to speak. Pink was the most expensive at the time, hence it being the most commonly duped. Because it was duped the most it went from most expensive to least. The other pretty much just bumped up a spot.





  7. Do you realling think that by him saying Karma helped him that he truly believes there was divine interaction which led to him getting dragon drops? You seem to be responding in that way, which, in my opinion, is rather pathetic.




    There is of course the definition which entails that your life actions, en masse, determine your "destiny", however, there are much more informal uses of the term. I'm sure everyone on this post older than 12 has spent enough time with people to hear the term "good karma" or "bad karma" used when in reference to a person. This was the way in which he used it, which is perfectly acceptable. Just because other people have used it commonly before him is no reason to snap at him and flame his post for using a perfectly acceptable term, which he used correctly according to its definition.








    P.S. Glad those pots ended up helping you. ;)

  8. Alrighty, I used to play Neopets mad years ago, and there are a ton of similar items between the two game. Crackers and phats are the most ironic as they are the best/most expensive in RS and yet they are also in another game as well. Would think such a status symbol would be unique.





  9. Well well well... I have no idea if you remember me, but I certainly remember you.




    Nice to see you back on the forums, although I don't even recall seeing you post here (wasn't all that active here then I guess).





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