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Posts posted by Hounded

  1. Haven't played in a while, and when I did it wasn't as a dueler, but I have never heard of this one before. Tis a smart one, and no offense, it seems to work.




    Perhaps when staking every piece of gold you have you should be a bit more careful with who you are fighting, their lvl, and the rules of the game. I am sorry for your lose, as it is such a large one. But I would be lieing if I were to say it was not your fault.





  2. Tis cheap entertainment when bored.




    I once did it with a friend which turned into like 50 people and we were up till 3 am doing so.




    Made a post about it here somewhere a little while ago...





  3. Curiosity has payed off for you my friend. =)




    Since we seem to be listing our best "finds", mine was a yellow and pink phat (naturally in RSC) from the same person. Day of the "creation" people were going bonkers, and right before a system update some guy typed "Jagex is going to ban everyone with a duped hat". So some guy near us dropped like 7 of them and I managed to pick up 2. =)





  4. Aw, Duke... what to say?




    You were my RS idol from way back. I'm not sure how many other people will feel this way, but to me you will always represent the good days of RS. You were RS in its glory: rich, famous, well liked. Not to mention smart and fun to talk to.




    I find it ironic that you you got banned while rs is in its decline. Autoers, an aweful community. Even in RSC, at least the community was there even if it was being "scarred" up.




    Everyone is quiting or getting banned...




    Soon no one will even know what the real RS was.




    Wow that sounds far too dramatic. Anywho, its good that they are all leaving. Time for us to move on and let the kiddies play. =)





  5. This was posted like yesterday...




    Anywho... yes we all know there are far too many autoers there. They are rather sophisticated as well. They log as soon as a pmod talks due to their progs spotting the silver crown and attempting to avoid a query. They circumvent all randoms, although quite a few die in edge to spirits due to the real wc'ers shutting the doors on them.




    People claim to have the ones they reported being banned and removed off the highscores, however I have reported hundreds of them and record their names, and 99% are still fuctioning, so reporting does little to nothing. Yay jagex!




    And about the vid where he said they are run by one person... naturally that is not true, although there are chars in series of well over a hundred, all with 60+ WC. I have seen 5 of the same series on a single tree in the same spot.




    Chinese Autoers FTL! :P





  6. lol =) no need to feel bad.




    Friends in england/netherlands/norway were tired and wanted sleep.




    Black got banned...




    Jojo was at the gym... lol




    Sk8er has stuff going un (read his post)




    Nathan hates me... lol.. or is just busy =)




    More for everyone else though =) although you may not have wanted/needed stuff... other people seemed happy =)

  7. Oergg I love you, and it is very smart of you to be doing this. If it were some lower level or less famous person, other people would try and poke some holes in it.




    26 sets in 2 months. You may not PK a lot, but you certainly do pk a fair amount.




    This is a great idea for pkers like yourself, and I support it as something good for pkers, wars, etc.




    Don't try and make it sound like it will benefit everyone. I got a good laugh out of your list of how it benefits those of every skill. Smithers will be saved due to the "need" of addy hatchets? With the amount of people who can make them, the amount of people who already have a good hatchet, the small amount of possible profit (because you know the price won't rise much if at all), and the amount of people that will consistently use the new altar, they won't be saved. You're making it sound as if dragon is becoming smithable and that high lvl smithers will have something to make that will make them good profit again.




    The same method of logic applies to many of the other skills as well.




    You're also calling on people to get more good runes per thieve, more things per harvest while farming...




    You've been playing more than long enough to have run across people in game, and people on tip.it and other forums asking for such things. "More of this, that needs to be easier..." And they have always been greeted by players of a high lvl and caliber like yourself to be noobs who want the game to be easier because the can't tough it out.




    Why is it now ok to ask for these things? Because it benefits your plan? Because it gets more people to reply to your post on the offical forums?




    You're smart, I'm sure you will respond inteligently discrediting what I have said. Not to mention your many tip.it/RS supporters who will reply "bashing" what I say. But, think about what I said, you must feel that it as at least slightly true.





  8. Canadian?... Ewwwww. lol =)






    To the 5 of you who haven't gotten your rune yet, it has been in my inventory for a few days waiting for you to login. I'm on sporatically from early morning to late night (EST). I have all 5 of your RS names added to my list, perhaps you have private on friends and didn't add the right name? Add Phil_Helmuth. Thank you.





  9. True, a few people were rich, and a few are not. I seem to have picked good winners though, as all of them whether rich or poor have been very nice and grateful so far.




    Even if they didn't need the rune themselves, they stated that they had friends which did. I am glad I did not pick you, razimir, as you are rather ungrateful.




    The people who did not win, and even those who came in "2nd" were still very respectful and wished me luck. I am sorry that your manners are not up to the standards of the nice people who have posted here and talked to me in game.






    Revenga, glad you sent them out. =) Will make for a good laugh when I run up and check the mail in a few days. Not to mention making for a tasty snack.




    My "main" is hounded, even though he is lower in combat and total then my current char, whose name is "phil helmuth".

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