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  1. Do you know why people would play a totally meaningless, stupid and more or less pointless game then? To gamers, games do mean something. If they would rather live in a virtual world, then it's a signal, a flag. It's to declare the insignificance of their life, about how they are not satisfied with the way things go. We need to answer to these problems, not to make them out as freaks. To some people, games are more effective for learning. That is because they enjoy it or it represents a significant role in what they are doing. Enjoying is generally a better state for learning. Mental illness leads a person into another state of consciousness, which we cannot experience normally. Have you ever questioned someone like that? Do you know what extent his/her thoughts have evolved to? For all we know, they could be much more observant that what we take for granted everyday. Not all mental states are unhealthy. Some changes our personality, some might actually cause damage. But not all of them are bad. We all have a different opinion on what is a healthy life. For someone else, they may not need to be too social with others, they may not be that physical, some may not need a job/can't get one, some may not like to learn, some may be atheists and some may have different views on helping. I don't find it healthy for people to judge what is good for others. If someone told you that they don't care about relationships with a girlfriend, people would automatically call him a nerd. Why not stop making judgments on others and just accept what they are? Leave people do as they please. If you start calling them no-life, you may actually do more harm than good. If someone thinks a game life is better than real life, then society is worth less than the game, because a person is pleased with the by-products of the society, not the society itself. We need to correct the problems, not to isolate them. So we are all living in a fantasy world? Can one return to the reality by dying in the 'fantasy' we all live in then?
  2. If I remember, scientists are trying to recreate the period when Big Bang (or somewhat similar) existed, to find out what happened. Now, let's put a little bit of creativity into it. If we create Big Bang, we will create another universe. So, did we create ourselves? The point is, it may be God, but it might also not be. It is foolish to assume that God is the only creator, the only behind-the-scenes man. Someone else could've created that God, and someone else could've created that God which created our God. Our universe could be more infinitesimal that we can perceive. One problem with religion is that it prohibits broadening of our minds on this subject. An example is one of the commandments ("Thou shall have no other gods besides Me..."), we dare not think of anything higher. If you wish to know God, you must stop thinking that you know everything about it. How about if we stop seeking God, but define it? God is out there waiting for us to shape it. We might be creating God, and then fearing it. Who knows? If you answered a "Where's the proof that God is waiting for us to shape it?", broaden your mind, my friend.
  3. Here's what I think. Of course, none of these are to be taken too seriously. Let us start off with what I think, is a fundamental law of the universe: An object cannot exist without it's opposite. With this in mind, we can immediately establish a few points. We are the primitive, the imperfect. God is on the other end of this see-saw; the omnipotent, the perfect. Therefore, if we are not divine, there must be a God. If we cannot create everything we see around us, there must've been something else that did it. So in conclusion, God would actually exist. However, if the fact that God exists, exists. Wouldn't it make sense for the fact that God doesn't exist, to exist? If we all call ourselves as lowly beings, shouldn't it be possible that there are humans, who are gods? Heaven and hell co-exists, but wouldn't the possibility that they don't exist, also exist? We therefore rely on... actual evidence to pick the side of whether God exists. So we have Jesus, one who performs miracles. He has a body, a head, a life and the list goes on... until we can come to the conclusion that Jesus is a human. Oh yes, God in the form of human. The father living within Jesus. Now, Jesus is a human being, yet he is divine himself. Shouldn't it suggest that we can achieve the same level as well? No, don't tell me we can't acquire an attribute we don't have. Any woman can suddenly become a man (as in attitude, or toughness) at the change of thought. Of course, this divine state has never been achieved, simply because we can't be bothered to set this as logic 1 in our minds, and accusations of blasphemy looms everywhere. I'd say, leave it to those with a free mind. Now, let's move on to authenticacy. We all take the word of God for granted, the Bible. Yes, we know Jesus's teachings are all written in there, open to those who are willing to know them. But who actually wrote them? God is the actor in the book. Everyone is an actor playing out a role. Who then, is the spectator and the creator? Why bother referring it as a third-person view? How would someone keep track of what was happening every second within different places? Unless there is something that is more than God. Oh yes, let's go back to square one; is God really all-powerful? Does it even exist? Can you actually open up the possibility that God is just an actor, like us? Miracles. Resurrection existed in the past. But I have not seen it in the present. Oh of course, there are other miracles. Like when a person is dying, he/she makes a full recovery. Most of these, I'd think, are the works of the human mind itself. If you say to yourself 'Praying brings holyness.', then you would feel more holy than someone who would go 'To hell with praying.' If I brainwashed someone fat and I told them to bear in mind that, he/she is an athlete, they could become an outstanding athlete without even trying. This is all theoretical of course, but the point I'm trying to make is, we all control our well-beings. If you think your luck is poor, you're going to be unlucky for the rest of your life. Miracles might not be miracles if we found out how to harness it. So to be honest, believing in religion or in un/de/in-religion, is utterly useless. For all we know, man could've made up God. We could've been gods long ago, but we stopped being gods for a reason. To find out why, we must place ourselves as the role of god, and abandon it once again. The loop will never end. Oh, and, no. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just having the little outbreak of thoughtfulness. My whole rambling could've existed, or not existed, truth, or total lie.
  4. Your stats seems fine. If you're going to use Guthans, you don't really need to bring initiate/hides. I'd recommend you take two full Crystal Bows, but I did it without Guthans, so you may not need two to kill everything. Inventory is okay. You might want to bring some Range Potions for quicker killing at the Ket-Zeks, but it's up to you.
  5. Quite astonishing. I would never be able to eat... you-know-what parts. (for the benefit of those who don't want to be disturbed) Of course, that would be a contradiction since we eat animals on a regular basis. I suppose we should actually be helping people, instead of imprisoning the problem and not searching for a solution.
  6. I'm assuming you have a problem with multiple Yt-HurKots attacking you all at once. 1 - I usually find them aligning themselves with me when I attack all of them, so only one can attack in the end. The only reason why this doesn't happen (as far as I can think of), is that you're too close to TzTok-Jad and the Yt-HurKots do not have enough space for all of them to line up. You might want to try attacking TzTok-Jad as far as possible, not close up, even if you want to see his health bar. 2 - Since you are a pure, defence is hard to come by. If you are extremely confident with your reflexes, turn on Protect from Melee when you have time before TzTok-Jad executes an attack. Obviously, this is a dangerous option and should be used as a last resort when you're out of supplies. 3 - This method requires TzTok-Jad to be in a certain position. The basic plan is to run to the opposite and hope it gets stuck between the rock. Then you can safely concentrate on the Yt-HurKots. The problem is, you will waste resources on fighting them and they are bound to come back after a while. 4 - Skill. To me, it sounds like you're using Saradomin Brews before reaching TzTok-Jad. Perhaps you'll have enough to hold the Yt-HurKots if you conserve every drop of them till the very last. 5 - Luck. If you have ungodly luck, you might find yourself not taking damage from the Yt-HurKots at all, or at least on a reduced rate. Obviously, luck is extremely hard to control... These are the solutions I can think of. If you post your inventory just before reaching TzTok-Jad, then we can work out what you're lacking. By the way, are you sure the level 66 wasn't using Blood Barrage?
  7. I don't think it's the high level that counts, it's your black marks. Having them makes you more susceptible to reports, which is pretty sad considering there is no known way of getting rid of it. But players are also to blame. If only people don't gloat as much in an insulting way...
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