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Posts posted by Cha0sx

  1. The point is that you don't deserve 99 range without ranging, you don't deserve 99 pray without spending a penny, you don't deserve 99 mage without sitting down and doing 10k alchs or spells, just by doing melee you get all 99 stats suddenly and you become an idiot and don't care about anyone or anything. Then suddenly here comes arrogant people who own and think they are all that because they got those stats in 2 months using pc. Woop-dee doo jagex thanks for making cb even more disgraceful to the people that spent months upon years or 100s of mil getting that 99 prayer. The fact is that making everything easier ruined it for tons of old high levels. Imagine you get 99 range right now and suddenly people can get 99 range in a day ( not possible with pc talking about with a new method thats unbelievably fast, but 99 range is possible in a week if playing nonstop)? If you care about runescape at all you wouldn't be feeling the greatest now.



    PC has ruined the game cause there is no update that can be a challenge to most people anymore with the tons of people having 99 atk, str, def, etc. All my friends stats are STILL in the 10ks with almost 99 cb stats. I'd say that's pretty ridiculous.








    Um, that is Jagex's fault...maybe Jagex should introduce higher level updates?








    I don't have the kind of patience to be waiting until April 2009, you know...








    In retrospect, it's not that PC actually ruined the game by making more high levels (if you define high level by combat alone; I think it's a mix of combat and non-combat skills personally), it's the mindset that's been set into most PC players.








    "I can get 99s in a month where it takes you five! Don't you have a life?"








    If you don't have the patience, then you shouldn't deserve it. And besides it's not like it takes 2 yrs without pc, it just takes a yr or less which is proper for all 99 stats. It's not so much about having a life as it is respect for the people that worked hard, so many people take their elders/parents for granted and this is how new players are acting like the old players are some joke and that they are just as good doing everything the easy way when they are not.

  3. My main complaint (from the POV of someone who is not yet 'high level'( about Pest Control is that it's an insane amount of xp per hour, and it offers you an ultimatum. Either you join the dark side or you lose xp you could have been getting at PC as compared to your current methods. This is especially true of range and magic, both of which are your choice of slow or expensive. PC isn't fun. Maybe it was intended to be, played casually, but it isn't. PC is a grind, more than most of the rest of the game, where normal training used to be fun. (This is coming from someone who enjoys runecrafting and farming. I'm not lacking in patience.) So now, we are forced to either play RS like a job, or play it as a game, and if we choose the latter, we fall behind inevitably.
















    Nice point there. =D>

  4. Anyway, I hate pest control and IMO<<<








    I'd rather train through slayer anyway and get rich from 10 rune boot drops a task at necraels.












    PC did destroy rs, too many people have high combat and think they are all that. The reason people are mad is because of how easy combat became, how cheap prayer became (FREE VS. 100s of mil before!!!), and that it no longer required food, range pshhtt a bow is never gonna be used, and mage, lets just say not as much required on alchs anymore.








    Any high level non-casual player who is an old timer would say pc ruined the game, or the majority, and even as a fellow fairly new player I would agree since I don't use pc.








    It's not about jealousy, it's that it used to actually be an ACCOMPLISHMENT to get high combat, now it's suddenly a joke? It's something veterans have every right to be mad about and just cause you want 126 cb with 1/10 the effort doesn't make you better/right.








    I know two very top players with a disdain hatred for pest control.

  5. PC did destroy rs, too many people have high combat and think they are all that. The reason people are mad is because of how easy combat became, how cheap prayer became (FREE VS. 100s of mil before!!!), and that it no longer required food, range pshhtt a bow is never gonna be used, and mage, lets just say not as much required on alchs anymore.








    Any high level non-casual player who is an old timer would say pc ruined the game, or the majority, and even as a fellow fairly new player I would agree since I don't use pc.








    It's not about jealousy, it's that it used to actually be an ACCOMPLISHMENT to get high combat, now it's suddenly a joke? It's something veterans have every right to be mad about and just cause you want 126 cb with 1/10 the effort doesn't make you better/right.

  6. Impossible in two weeks unless your completely insane and play 24/7 and have no school. Also, people got to 99 in the first 4 days because falconing dashing kebbits is the fastest hunter exp in the game, even faster than red chinchompa's easily. You can catch two in the time it takes to get 1 chimp easily. I'd say 4 days nonstop with dashing kebbits and you'd have 99.








    If you play 10 hrs per day for 14 days then maybe you can get 99 hunter. But that's not possible for people who have school/full time job. And besides your eyes would bleed and you would blow some brain cells.

  7. I just suck at getting drops. My clues are all bs, but I have decent luck at barrows, 4 items in 50 runs, not as bad as some others. I'd say my luck is mediocre although I have been scammed for 500k buying dragon bones from a level 23, and also have been scammed 1.3m from some guy switching helm for skirt, although I thanked god that it wasn't a spear and I sold the spear overpriced to a dker for 6.3m who really needed one^_^:P

  8. And for earlier, the writer of this thread said to me why would I care about him telling about Affliction's current world.








    I'd care, because I'm a MEMBER of it, and we don't appreciate people leaking our current world. And as I found out, we were there just to try it out. And we're having as whole debate on the future of Affliction, which I won't talk about because I don't know if I should or not.








    Now on topic again.








    I'm going to maybe try one of the german servers for awhile, I should do everything in my full Lederhosen, that'd just be funny :P








    I still don't care because pc ruins a lot of my fun in this game, i'd do anything to ruin pc.

  9. This is possibly the best setup for Abyss Crafting...BTW I bring a 4 dose saradomin brew incase i get tbed..I have never ever died yet. You should add that to your argued items as very useful. It increases your def plus heals you+ goes over max hp.












    -Amulet of Glory




    -Spottier Cape




    -Black d'hide body




    -Black d'hide chaps




    -Mithril Picaxe (weights 1 lighter than all other picaxes and they are all just as good)




    -Saradomin Book (FULL, one less mage def than mind shield but much more melee def bonus that will help you in the end)




    -Boots of lightness




    -Ring of dueling (if you forget glory, life wont help much already if u have 1 click tele)




    -Penance Gloves/Black d'hide vamps (Penance Gloves Reduce Weight by 4 or 5 but if you die you lose them for good so I personally use Black d'hide vamps because I don't want to lose something that might take hours to get back).








    Inventory: 1,2,3,or 4 pouches, one 4-dose sara brew, 5 home teletabs (if you die in house of poison you still survive, then you can use your home portals to tele near a bank. Also Five incase you forget to get out more when you are attacked.) The rest will be filled with essence of course!

  10. J




    One inappropriatly threatened me with my account if I didn't stop posting perfectly valid arguments that criticised Jagex ever so slightly. So much for a free speech...















    Well in britain the bill of rights means nothing, and so does free speech.
















    I agree with some of the points but people are getting too mad just cause some new stuff doesn't come out. When I see people with mediocre skills and things complaining I get mad because they should try and see all the great stuff that's already in the game!

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