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Posts posted by Cha0sx

  1. I got a blackmark for calling someone a lazy bum cause he wouldnt go to barbarian village to get a free bronze pic, also there were some starred letters that had nothing bad in it and I got in trouble.




    Another time was when I was making yo moma jokes cause I was feeling so confortable and jolly with the people on catherby that I started talking like I do on msn messenger and said the F word..bad mistake...I also appealed one stupid one and it got removed luckily. 0.9 blackmarks here.




    I'm a better person now though, but I don't really talk with people as much cause jagex likes to make you overcautious about their rules. It's dumb sometimes but I understand. I don't curse as much as I did before cause of runescape tbh=s.

  2. I made an account called Gp Overflow that's like a merchant name=s.




    Also made an account called Dranqe cause kids ranqe is a famous pker and D is because (d)ragon arrows and (d)ark bow came out. Idk if the ranqe makes it original though cause it's copied off a famous guy's name=s.




    Also one forum member with a avatar of him in a green mask atking noob ducks said a cool name he thought of for an account called hytbrid. (not my thinking). Jwrm(instert #'s here) or something.




    Oh and one funny thing is that I found a looter in w18 edgeville named Fruit Loots \' :XD: :lol:

  3. You guys think your rich huh, you're all nothing! I'm nothing! We're pieces of trash floating in the wind compared to this famous staker Raven(insert some #s here)'s bank! He got banned though like most stakers:P.
















    First page of his bank when he was filthy rich...add it up if you dare mwuahahahhaha.

  4. Yes, it controls my hopes, my dreams, I only have friends on runescape, when my dad tells me to stop i threaten him, tbh I'll kill anyone that gets in my way of playing runescape. :roll:




    PS:If you thought I was serious go get a chill pill :P




    PSS: If you thought I was suggesting you do drugs...well then...IDK

  5. I got mine yesterday also. Except i got mine on the first try XD




    Razz Going for a second one?








    Nice try at pissing me off.




    You know don't downgrade others achievements by saying you did it better, faster, or it isn't even a real achievement........




    PS:Why the heck would I go for a 2nd one? 16k tokkul for 300k is a waste of cash >_<.

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