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Posts posted by Cha0sx

  1. I think I may be the only person who is using this skill properly and understands the benefits of summoning because I am at the moment MAKING money from this skill.




    Now here is a little example on how you can make money using a granite crab:




    1. Go to catherby. (You will need 1 granite crab pouch and 1 harpoon or lobster cage).


    2. Find a big net fishing spot and get ur crab to start fishing.


    3. Find a close by harpoon spot and start fishing.


    4. Not only are you now getting sea weed and other fish but also a bonus to ur own fishing allowing you to catch fish faster.


    5. Bank it.




    If done right you can make 2500gp or more just from the one granite crab. Add on the fish you just caught yourself and you're making quite a bit of gp here...




    EVERY familiar has the potential to earn back more or the same amount of gp that it cost you.




    If you're losing money then you are doing it wrong. Jagex should know better than to cave in to the ranters because they will still be losing money and not taking advantage of this great money making skill.




    while it might make back some money(which most don't) it won't pay you back for all the time you spent collecting ridiculously rare charms to make the pouch.

  2. Looking at the chat he needed to drop the charm to pick up the left half... maybe not a lucky charm after all ::'




    No, it came with the drop.










    7/10 for the drop.




    8/10 for getting it with a Charm, I guess you could sya its your lucky charm.




    ~Agreed on everything. Perhaps take that Charm with you, and go Armadyl Hilt hunting...~


    Hey Homer you know Osijek right:P




    He's always concentrating and putting chat off when new skill comes.




    They wouldn't only release the low level monsters first.




    First of all, the higher level ones will probably be cooler, and will attract more people to summoning, and also, I'm sure Jagex realizes that some people will play their game for 20+ hours straight once summoning is released. <.<




    True. I won't be surprised if someone gets the Skill Cape before the second batch even comes out.




    I really hope it won't be that fast, and I also know that inuyasha(insert #'s here) supposedly played days straight when hunter came out. Of course, he was banned for account sharing. :lol: I'm pretty sure his offense is real too, incase you thought it was a mistake he was banned.

  4. So what are familiars going to be shortened to?


    Fams? Famis?


    I like Fams..


    "Dude, check out my fam. It's awesome."








    Probably famils?




    Karamthulu will probably be shortened to Kar. or Karam






    Funny how lots of the famils have long names :P




    Or we could all remain educated, intelligent people and choose not to abbreviate names and just call them "familiars," and "karamanthulu."




    You know...just a thought.




    Or you know, since it's a game people play for enjoyment, we don't need to constantly spell the full thing out. Maybe you would realize that it's stupid to spell everything out to the fullest extent in runescape because of the small amount of space in a line, and we don't want to constantly spam new lines into that chat.

  5. I think searching for drops and wasting time on purpose is useless. Complaining is even more. I find the best way to get luck is to not expect any drop at all, just skill for the levels and money for sure ways to get money. That way when a item comes up it'll be a pleasant surprise.




    -They play chess.


    -They play WoW or any other MMORPG a lot.


    -They always have a calculator on them.


    -They are trekkies.


    -They are covered in acne.




    Oh these are fun, to add to the list:




    -They are totally obsessed with one of the following: lord of the rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, any Sci-Fi novel


    -They wear briefs


    -They wear glasses


    -They wear a shirt that's tucked into their really bad looking shorts


    -They are completely obsessed with one and only one anime


    -They are absolutely horrible with any sort of sport


    -They have a terrible sense of fashion


    -They sacrifice personal hygiene just to get more gaming time


    -They never get outside let alone even try sports


    -They have pocket protectors (I don't even know what these are tbh)


    -They focus explicitly on one thing and everything else either sucks or is "gay"


    -They have no social skills and generally act awkward towards members of the other gender


    -Despite failing, they are desperate to get a girlfriend or have some sort of pitiful relationship


    -They are heavily into role-playing games


    -They have never gotten laid


    -They lack confidence




    And my favorite (and the one part of the stereotype that always holds true):




    -They are totally insecure and when someone calls them a nerd they immediately come up with a long list of arguments that are supposed to "prove" they are not a nerd.





    You could only know all that if it has been said to you, and you are a NERD! :P


    Now defend yourself=X

  7. F2P should NOT complain 5$ is pocket change I've said this time and time again......you should NOT own a computer or internet access if you can't afford that much for a simple game that you enjoy.....(like the rest of us dedicated players) :|




    Now, I really didn't feel like doing something like this any time soon, but I will, because of you.




    People use computers for lots of things you idiot. It makes things like school work a hell of a lot easier. I don't plan on writing up multiple page assignments by hand, and in fact, most of my teachers won't let me do this (I have horrible handwriting according to them <.< ). As for the Internet, you make it sound like playing that one game is all they do on the net. I'm sure I am not the only person who uses it to keep in touch with friends located around the world. Also, maybe some people have something better to do with their cash then spend it on video games. I for one enjoy spending my cash on buying magic supplies so i can do some decent tricks in the streets of Freo or what not.




    True, most F2Ps shouldn't complain, but because you think your so much better then them cause you pay $5 a month (and this depends on where you are in the world), doesn't give you the right to insult them.




    And what makes you think only members are dedicated players? That is by far the most bias thing i have heard in the last couple of days. There are lots of F2Ps whom are more dedicated to the game then some members are, I for one, have played RS longer then most of my member mates.




    To me, it feels I've left a lot out of what I have just said, and that I could make it better, but it's late.




    Also, F2P will probably get the limited version of summoning like people have been saying, but doesn't bother me.




    So what if they use computers for a lot of things, that has nothing to do with what I said. I'm sure nearly all F2P can afford the 5$ a month easily to play runescape, yet they don't. I'm saying afford, not that they don't want to use the money. If they don't want to use it, then everything that they complain for is their own fault. That's why they should not be given the same things that members get. As I remember one guy said in his quote, "Members is just 1 less bigmac meal a month.". Besides, getting things for free then asking or even hoping for more in this case because It's not like you're starving or something, is not proper. It shows greed. I didn't insult them at all, I don't know what kinda crud you're pulling out of your hat, magic boy. I just said they don't deserve updates, which is true. BTW the thing about dedicated players, I said that Fook was a dedicated player like the rest of us, so you fail on that point.




    you should NOT own a computer or internet access if you can't afford that much for a simple game that you enjoy




    You are saying everyone under 18 shouldn't play computer games?


    What are you talking about? I meant that if their parents can't afford to pay the 5$ if the kid wanted it. The parents not wanting to, then that's your problem with your parents. Credit cards are pretty much required to sign up for the game or at least you need your parents permission so, if your parents don't want you to play, then it's your problem with your parents.




    F2P should NOT complain 5$ is pocket change I've said this time and time again......you should NOT own a computer or internet access if you can't afford that much for a simple game that you enjoy....Also when Fook posted "At least I don't pay 5$ a month to click". Well you play the game very often and you have clicked a ton, the money is so less that it's basically the time you use clicking that matters, and you my friend, have clicked a HELL of a lot.(like the rest of us dedicated players) :|


    Those that read what the topic poster said and those that posts on topic have not asked for any updates, the question is, Do you think F2p will get Summoning? Not, F2p should get Summoning.


    Ok, then I don't think F2P will get it at all, and I hope they don't.




    Sum 41


    Jimmy Eat World


    Kanye West


    Linkin Park




    No order, except I'm listening to a lot of Dragonforce and J.E.W. a lot lately :)


    I've heard of all those bands and I love all of them! Finally! I don't know anything about what some of these people listen to!






    No Particular Order


    1.Iron Maiden






    4.System of a Down




    6.Dream Theater


    7.Linkin Park


    Sorry 7

  9. Its great that muse are thinking outside of the box and performing songs which border the outer fringes of the imagination rather than what were seeing in the music spectrum nowadays.




    if you only heard of knights of cydonia because youve played guitar hero then listen to stockholm syndrome.Its better live because its usually their finale.Extremely reminiscent of the who and im glad i got to be their at wembley when it happened,recorded it on my phone but all you can hear is screeming :XD:




    Omg Stockholm Syndrome is so freaking addicting I love that song so much.

  10. F2P should NOT complain 5$ is pocket change I've said this time and time again......you should NOT own a computer or internet access if you can't afford that much for a simple game that you enjoy....Also when Fook posted "At least I don't pay 5$ a month to click". Well you play the game very often and you have clicked a ton, the money is so less that it's basically the time you use clicking that matters, and you my friend, have clicked a HELL of a lot.(like the rest of us dedicated players) :|

  11. Finally, a note to those worried about profit opportunities on newly-released objects. Although we will have to set a generous starting price, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule of the Grand Exchange (see the relevant Knowledge Base article) will be waived to allow for greater price movements. This means there will be greater opportunities for profit on new items. Once a price has been established on those new items, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule would be re-instated.




    Thanks for reading!




    Mod Mark




    Quick find code: 15-16-60-54777436





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