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Posts posted by Mercifull

  1. RuneSpan is where I got 99 RuneCrafting. I got it within a few weeks of casual play but I was already 92 when I started. Jagex tweaked the xp rates for things since I was last there and I believe its definitely worth it to hunt for yellow wizards now.

  2. Cats aren’t just a four legged furry XP waste, they’re also responsible for a number of international peace treaties, the collapse of three world banks and the success of the internet.


    Let’s celebrate all things RuneScape, all things internet and all things cats in one happy bundle of a photo competition.


    We’re looking for the best RuneScape owner’s cat photos ever. They can be funny, they can be cute, they can even be scary – we want them all!


    Entering the competition is easy - tweet a picture of your cat to Mod Jane (@mod_jane) and myself (@modpaulm) using the hashtag #runecats.


    You’ve got until 9am (UK time) Monday October 8th to enter. Anything we get after that we’ll look at of course (it’s a cat photo after all) but won’t be included in Jane and I’s tough voting process.


    Ok, here are the rules:

    1. Dogs/children dressed as cats don’t count!

    2. You must have taken the photo yourself – downloading a cat photo from the internet would be lame.

    3. Including RuneScape into the photo somehow isn’t essential but will give you bonus points! ; )


    Prizes are:

    1. Twitter/kitten based infamy

    2. Something cat like for your cat

    3. Something RuneScapey for you


    The “I don’t have a cat category”


    Don’t worry if you don’t have a cat. There’s a special award for those non cat entries we receive.


    The best of luck you all!


    Paul M & Mod Jane

    According to Mod PaulM on Twitter a newspost will be up shortly. In the meantime it's at [qfc]254-255-196-64021892[/qfc]

  3. This is the best (most ridiculous) mute I ever had though...


    Offensive/Inappropriate Language Minor (mute)

    Mercifull : u need sky+

    ************ : tenso...

    ************ : brasil>portugal

    ************ : brasil>all

    ************ : new zaland?wtf?! auhauhaa

    ************ : /brasil>all

    ************ : salveeee!!

    ************ : xurupitaaa owns all

    ************ : xurupita!!!!!!

    Mercifull : thats really odd are you sure?

    Mercifull : americans love pussing z in where there is normally an 's'

    Mercifull : putting*

    Mercifull : damn censor


    Despite a person spelling Brazil as Brasil, thats not what the comment was about. The original comment wasnt included in the report. But WHY?!!!! Was it the "pussing"? Is it because it looks a little bit like "[kitty]"? Who knows lol.

  4. This gravely concerns me. Why would a human error permit the banning of thousands of online accounts that haven't had any history of botting?


    We'll never get a real explanation of what happened here and that's what concerns me. Human error is vague and can cover so many different things. I don't want to call for a public lynching, I don't care if the guy(s) who did it get fired. I just want to know what actually happened with the system that was supposed to be free of false-positives and accurate.

    You know how useless "the community" are at deciphering Jagex messages even if they did explain in detail people would either get the wrong end of the stick or say Jagex are lying.
  5. We've all been muted at some point for something ridiculous because of a WBM. I was muted once for 7 days for telling people to "look on you tube" when Kingduffy was fishing shortly after getting 99 summoning and people were pestering him to do emote even though he wasnt even wearing the cape.


    Your appeal will probably be accepted and it will be crossed out (but never completely removed) of your account but not before then end of the three days mute period. Baffler hit it right on the nose there. It might not have been a person maliciously trying to get you black marks but instead they simply belived that by reporting what you said they get a step closer to becoming a pmod... the truth is they don't and when your appeal is accepted it will only hinder their chances.

  6. For those saying the bots are fake:




    Look again. Hollows 2487 and Hollows 24 87. See the difference? Jagex has already said that the player is banned by the time the appear in Botany Bay.

    No it is Hollows 2487. If you see the chat box has been scrolled up. I think Kaur saw the finger of doom point at him and went to botany bay to see it on trial. Then for the screenshot he simply scrolled up in the chatbox so we could see.

    • Like 1
  7. I understand that China does some interesting things with Internet access. What are the odds that this, paired with Jagex's efforts, is having unexpected consequences?

    That's what I'm thinking. I don't think this is entirely Jagex's fault here.
  8. Are the item rewards actually worth roughly what you spent, or is that only in Jagexes mind?

    Not in my experience. I had to make 16 Mithril swords in the Artisan workshop. It was the first time I'd done it so cocked up a few times and ended up using 20 ingots. So it used up a total of 600 mithril ores and 2400 coals. My reward was 250 (I think) raw rocktails. So I spent in the region of 785k and got a reward of about 550k. I suppose it's not THAT bad when you consider the XP that I got from making those swords (was getting in the 90%+ accuracy by the time I'd got the hang of it at the end) and the extra bonus xp as well.
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