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Posts posted by Mercifull

  1. Oooh chance to make a long post.




    I am going to begin by explaing why I like them...








    1. They are runescapy without actually being a runescape screenshot. It allows the person to have exactly the right scene that they want. There is huge scope for imagination here.








    2. They show high skill. Anyone can pop open PS, Bryce or Terragen and make a sig in 10 mins. I know because I have these programs, ive made some really quality images and landscapes in minutes. Now those sigs are cool too but they dont really show any real talent. With a good pixel sig you know that hours of work has been put into it.








    3. Personalisation. With the exception of a few pixel artists each one is unique. With an abstract sig you can explain what you want to some1 and they create it. Somebody else might make a similar one but you can tell they are from the same idea. With personal pixel sigs you see the true persons style in each one. Just look at peoples sig compos at what people post. The variety of styles is spectacular to see.








    Its unfortunate that the greed of people has resorted to mass producing low quality work in order to cope with the demand of the users. Im sorry Ran_Shadow2 but i have to say your name here. At first your sigs were really good, fresh and original, but you have overused that characterone to many times and now i really dont like looking at ure sigs now :(




    Some people buy pixel sigs because they think they look cool and for the resons i stated, however some people buy pixel sigs to "get in the croud"




    If anybody saw Nik's post about conforming to groups in Off Topic a while back you'd know what i mean.








    Even though the skill involved with making these is incredibly high for the most of the time I still think its a fad. Just like with the sigs Froth Khan made and those smilie sigs a while back, the same happened when everyone decided Bryce was cool. After a while EVERYONE will have one, then people will get bored, wont pay the prices for them and move on.




    Its sad really because there is some amazing artwork here, by selling so many as they are they are killing off the long term demand.








    mmm lots of rants here. I did have an essay planned but i kinda forgot what i was gonna say. so i will conclude with a few of my favourite up coming sig makers (you all know who the best ones are so i really dont need to mention them)




















    Characters look amazing! Could do with some background work tho, keep it up




















    Another unique style. Try not to rush and keep work as good quality as this and u will go far.








    Meh enuf typing for the moment, if ya got and questions to ask me just post ;)

  2. go to newspapers. Look at the statistics there. For news papers ppl get their statistics form asking a sample amount of ppl. The one u have is internet and can be changed easily also the owners of the site might not be trustable. Also the take internet polls which means someone could just write a program to hack into that (my friend could easy if he wanted to)




















    The site is independant taking the data from professional research angencies. If anyting its the newpapers that are more bias as they only poll thair own target audience.








    Go on then tell ure mate to "hack" it ;)

  3. Incorrect info I found in the map u showed:












    In the map: New Hampshire is tied.




    The truth: New Hampshire is leaning towards Kerry.








    In the map: All the central northern states are strong Bush.




    The truth: Those states are almost all swing states.








    In the map: Washington and Oregon are barely Kerry




    The truth: Those are solidly for Kerry.








    In the map: Ohio, Florida and Tenesee are leaning towards Bush




    The truth: Those 3 states are swing states and I'm nearly positive Kerry WILL win Florida and pretty sure he'll win Ohio and Tenesee.








    In the map: Colorado and Nevada are leaning towards Bush.




    The truth: More swing states here.








    Just a few examples












    Did it occur to you that maybe your info is incorrect? :roll: Polls are polls, they are not accurate but they did give a good idea.

  4. sry but some of the kerry jokes dont make sense. Kerry is a lot smarter than Bush (all i'm saying is he's better educated) so how can u make kerry is stupid jokes. You saw the debate, over 78% of the people who watched the debate said Kerry won, which he did
















    Isnt stopping the public from voting for Bush in the polls tho. In fact since the debate Bush's rating has gone UP not down.

  5. 1. I cannot comprhend the idea of existance ending, in which case you never existed but you did. Huh?




    but you can comprehend that life begins at birth? like with 2 people a man and a woman....








    2. There has been physical evidence found of events in the bible (Even the remains of chariots at the bottom of the red sea)
    lol if there was physical evidence like that then wed all be christians. there are remains of pots and pans all over the place. the chariots probably fell off a ship or something.








    3. Several coincidences in my own life that seem a little to good to happen by chance.




    ahh the whole "miricle" debate. Who decides what is a miricle and what just happens. If somebody has cancer and is cured is that a miricle of god? Or is it a feat of humanity that we can find a cure.








    4. The Big bang theroy fails to explain why it occured.
    the bible doesnt explain how god came to be.








    You know what i find particularly sad about christians expecially is their all talk no action stance on life....








    There is a homless guy near me who sits on the bridge. Ive seen people go up to him and say things like "god bless you" or "i will pray you find a home soon". What good does that do? Hes still there everyday, still homeless.




    The otherday i bought him a hot pie to eat. Now tell me whats better, me giving him some food. Or some guy praying for him?








    What i did for him wasnt christian, it didnt do it out of love for jesus or any rubbish like that, i didnt do it because i want to be good and get into heaven. I did it because i am a nice person and he was hungry.








    So god can smite me all he wants, im still a better person than you!

  6. MAke it a pixle!




    bad advice...








    I like to shade and use gradients on my images. Ive improved a lot but here is some of my work thats ive got online...




















    What program are you using to make it?

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