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Everything posted by Tijger2099

  1. Might add that in the future, but I first want to know from a serious Tip.it'er if it is really worth it to improve it, if there's any chance if this can be turned into a guide on the tip.it site :D If so I will of course do my entire to make this into the best travel guide :)
  2. They can yet try to comment on this guide and give me hints on what I should improve, just like they do with other guides, no matter the topic.
  3. This guide is hardly posted at, hardly ever is it looked by people. While other ones are bumped all the times by ppl who reply, what can be the reason for that? Can anyone tell me what I should change to make ppl reply? I spent so much time in it and no ppl simply seem to skip it.
  4. Thanks, your idea isn't too bad, I actually thought of it myself too. However how am I going to make such a big map in one piece, how do I get it so small in size that I can still upload it? There's some critical problems that I would encounter if I wanted to make such a huge map. I however don't find it really necesarry to make such a big map, I actually done it already, I just cut the map in small pieces. If you want to go anywhere you just search the right section and voila, you will have your answer :)
  5. Is there really nobody that will comment? :s Worked 30 hours on it, please give me some advice :D
  6. Thanks I'll add that too the guide tomorrow and also give you a credit for it :)
  7. W00t the guide is 98% Finished, at least for what I wanted to have in this guide, I will not add Fairy Rings for a while, that is gonna take me another few days later on and I could use some relaxation now :P Will add a small guide with what all the symbols mean etc. soon but so far the most important part is done, images and text, yay :D
  8. ALL images are posted now, later on I might edit them when I will map other ways of transportation too. But what do you guys say of the maps right now?
  9. Updated some more pictures, will update the last ones this afternoon when I get back from school
  10. Yay finally back home, will get on with the guide later, I might be able to finish all pictures and text beneath it but I'll have to see if I can manage that with the spare time I have :P
  11. I'm with my grandparents now and I'll be back at home tonight, so I can't continue adding pcitures etc. yet. However on this computer some images still don't fit (at home they did), I think it has to do with the resolution of this screen, but do for you all the images still fit so that you don't have to scroll sidewards? (except from the ones that are hidden and WILL be wider :P) Thanks
  12. Oh lol ty for telling, Ill quickly change it and then ill be away for 2 days. Edit: added Morytania
  13. Thank you so much, and btw, do you know the BBCode to put text in the middle of the page? So that I can put titles in the middle.
  14. Uhm ok? But I don't want to hide the entire map right, I just want it so it can fit :P
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