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Everything posted by Loverofcash

  1. r u on crack or somethin?oh wait nvm......now we know who real item trades......... :shame: rs would b insane if that rule got removed.....p hats would b like 1 bil........autoing would pretty much become legal....because most people auto for real money....not just for stats....but man if u were doin that would u want ur friend to report ya now or would u rather spend 10,000 dollars then jagex catches ya... :wall: just think hard about it and it might find some way through ur extremely thick head... Thick head? Dude atleast I can spell decently. Seriously if you want to accuse me of real life trading you'd better have some better evidence than me just saying I didn't think it was wrong. Your a nice...i'm going to guess 12 year old...for trying your best to flame me, but i'd take it somewhere else unless you feel like you can make a better arguement than "R u on crack". I've never so much as had a warning, been muted, or anything else on Rs to be quite honest.
  2. Personally I would mind my own business, I'd accutally like it if the rule on real life trading was removed to be quite honest. Less people doing it as a scam, if people are willing to put up their own money they gain they should use it as they see fit. Reporting your friend is basically screwing 600 usd out of him, if you feel the need to do something talk to him, don't go behind a friends back.
  3. I'm just very scared to see some pics someone might decide to post here...I can only imagine a runescape live action role player...
  4. Yeah trying both would probably be your best bet. I for one usually get a barrows item every 12 or so trips atleast, today I recived a great axe aswell as a flail in only 9 trips. Though i've had rough patches where i've gone 25+ trips without anything I always manage to get back into a rythm. Like thegun said it's worth trying both and coming to your own conclusion. Also, good luck on your 99 prayer goal :D
  5. Total exp: 33,300,069 Combat exp: 21,279,663 Percent Combat exp: 64% Lower than I thought it would be, but still need to work on half my skills really badly :(
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