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i am seeing a 3 way shop guys! me oil and zim... after i finish up this sig im sure ill be considered!




3 way? that would be interesting 8)




bright, happy sigs coloured by zerg and..........others by me lol




anyway lets see what zim says about either of ours.


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~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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Oiler: Very nice mimic of my style. Takes skill to adapt someone else's pallete like that. Here's what I've got so far, about the same amount haha.












Zerg: The lineart on that one isn't bad, but the shading is gradient... And.. It maks the helmet look flat. :wink: Erase the colors, add some detail to the helmet(only) and shade it with some depth. Spend a lot of time on a small thing like the helmet instead of the whole sig.








Zep: It better not be bieng used by anyone else! :twisted: Report them if you've seen it. I don't think anyone else has permission. 8) Post it on general. See if we can get some others to be generous this holiday season, too.









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Zim this should probably be in a pm but your work is so amazing I just had to say it out here. It has inspired me to try and start pixeling. I'm gonna get gg and look at some tuts. Anything you have to say to a beginner? Like anything I should know before I enter the wonderful world of pixels?

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G'night Zerg!








J_Rod: Thanks for nice words. As for advice...Hm...








-Don't pillow shade or use gradients.




-Detail is key in pixels




-Take your time on the lineart!




-Don't use stock colors(Except black and white)




-Don't rip work, reference pics are ok!( No tracing!)




-Practice, practice, practice












Sword-shot: Thanks loads! My pc is d-e-a-d.








I don't think I ever sold the first one, all you have to do is give at least 50k to a random player ( post a pic on general if you'd like) You can take the URL and erase "zim" now, but I'm trusting you to pay it forward!









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hey zim if u havent already gotten rid of the hendrix sig ill giv ya 100k for it...if you already sold or something thats kool....im gettin members back and makin a few mil jus so i can buy some sigs from you...you better open this shop, ur pixel work is outstanding :D

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Argh, do you know how hard it is to give away free stuff!?








I was walking up to less fortunate players, wanting to give them a r2h, and they walk off! I'll post the pics here, then in general, try to get everyone in the spirit. :)








All this stuff was from my old pk'ing accounts that I havn't been on since RS2 came out, so I figured it better in someone elses bank than mine. :)
























(This one was fun, *shudders* Lumby!!)




















Thanks for the sig man. :)

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Well I searched for someone who needed it most and I could trust in not losing. I found a really poor level 60, he added me and told me about how poor he was and how he saved up for a rune long and he wanted to save up for a dragon long. So I decided to give him the 50k since he was a nice fellow who was just enjoying the game.
























And thanks to you! He had a nice day, ah that is surely the holiday spirit.








Thanks for signature.

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Traxion: Anything you like to draw in particular? If not you're going to get a flower. It takes a real man to color a flower.




















Zerg: There's you a helmet to color. Don't lose it's 3D shape in the shading. Shading and lineart should compliment each other. :D









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Well I searched for someone who needed it most and I could trust in not losing. I found a really poor level 60, he added me and told me about how poor he was and how he saved up for a rune long and he wanted to save up for a dragon long. So I decided to give him the 50k since he was a nice fellow who was just enjoying the game.








And thanks to you! He had a nice day, ah that is surely the holiday spirit.








Thanks for signature.








Enjoy it, good to see some holiday cheer. I gave away about 200k in Beginner's gear yesterday. That's a lot of Full Irons, Ruby Ammies, and 10k 's to a lot of new players, haha. It took a while. 100% were grateful though. The most touching thing was when one of them gave 1k to 10 of his friends in front of me, leaving none for himself. :wink: They all said thanks to him, and he later thanked me because he couldn't afford to get them presents otherwise. Life lessons, people, life lessons.




















PS: Sword-Shot, Think you should know, you are now the proud owner of the sig that started the entire pixel fad along with Lan Hikari's LOTR sig.

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hey zim, some questions with the sig....




what is gunna happen with the hair?




also im not realy sure whats goin on with the "splotches" on jis shoulder.






[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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Well I searched for someone who needed it most and I could trust in not losing. I found a really poor level 60, he added me and told me about how poor he was and how he saved up for a rune long and he wanted to save up for a dragon long. So I decided to give him the 50k since he was a nice fellow who was just enjoying the game.








And thanks to you! He had a nice day, ah that is surely the holiday spirit.








Thanks for signature.




PS: Sword-Shot, Think you should know, you are now the proud owner of the sig that started the entire pixel fad along with Lan Hikari's LOTR sig.








Wow that's an honour and you gave me a nice idea, on Xmas eve i'm gonna be like santa and give all my items to people who need it, since I quit rs and I need away to get away from it. I will be left with nothing on Xmas but people will be happy.

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