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FUCKING LOCK THIS NOW~!~!~!~!~!~~!~!

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you could use http://www.draynor.net once they on highscores for the goal sigs which tell you your persentage and for picture, go on dynamic sigs then goal sigs then you should be there








for your pictures were you print screen then save it under /png on pain or whatever




and good luck!!

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Do you know how to take screenies? If so just goto imageshack.us and click "browse" and then find the pic and click "host". If you don't know how to take screenies find the "prt scr" button and hit in when you want a screen and then open paint and go to "Edit > Paste" and then you have it, then "File > Save as" and then remember the location for when you get to ImageShack.




If you get the time check out my blog :D. Btw if you need any more help just hollar.

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