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*(R0b My Rob1n)* Pure Rangex *(R0b My Rob1n)* -= Day 3 =-

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Well, My main is Angelboy223. I got hacked or banned on all of my chars. TBH,I've quit some of them. :-# I've started this pure Rangex b/c my main is kinda really noob. I Created this char in *boredness*. :XD: I saw that P2P pure ranged own...I always wished of owning.




Anyway, Enough of Blabla Start The Blog.








Here Are my N00bz0rz stats. :XD:


At The Start:
















I'm currently training at monks. Once i get p2p ill move to rock crabs. I Can affirm that in 1 month ill be an ownage. ::'




Training Outfit:




My Outfit for 1-20. :XD:






Outfit For 20-40. ::'






Here Are my Goals:




70 Ranged


56 Hp


01 Pray


01 Def


70 Mage


48 COMBAT \'






Lvl Up




April 10: No lvl up. I just started and it is 11h35 pm.Gonna Sleep Soon. :(


April 11: 25 Ranged And 18 hp...i'll train atm onks for a while.. <.<


April 12: 27 ranged and 19 hp For Now... ::' \'


April 13: ----Pking---










No Donation Atm. donation will be Appreaciated.

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Nice job, nice stats really, now do DT for ancients, trust me its easy with 11 pray dont get 43 like everyone else >.<




70 range _ 70 mage + around 50 CB = ancients OWNAGE




Post some pk's, pics, and stuff, good job btw.




Tip: PC your HP up to 60 for the edge, its helpful as while pking.


~>St Jonno<~

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Nice job, nice stats really, now do DT for ancients, trust me its easy with 11 pray dont get 43 like everyone else >.<




70 range _ 70 mage + around 50 CB = ancients OWNAGE




Post some pk's, pics, and stuff, good job btw.




Tip: PC your HP up to 60 for the edge, its helpful as while pking.




Thanks, Ill do ancient with 11 pray like you said. thanks for advise continue to post. :thumbsup:

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Good goals, but the hp will be a lot higher than that. My pure is 71 Ranging, combat 49, has 60 HP, and just 1 mage. Your 70 mage and range will be at least in the early 60s and your combat will be higher, probably around 52 or something.. I'm no expert but that sounds about right...




Meh, you'll make it fine, if you're only at 27 ranged you shouldn't be worried, it really doesn't take that long. I got from lvl 1 to 70 in f2p alone in a few months. Just know the right places to train, take breaks to pk and make friends. That's how I got it. Probably got half of my XP by pking alone...

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