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Runescape....Educational or not?


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I'm sure you buy things in real life by going to the bank and shout, "Buying car for thirty thousand!!!" No. You go to a car dealer, as in, a building, that sells cars, with salespeople inside, and you sign agreements and such.




Seriously. This is the twenty first century, not 2000 BC Mesopotamia.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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It can be educational,on the other hand it can not be educational


it can be educational by teaching you how to survive in the wild(like cooking on fire,cutting woods yourself,fishing)and it can be harmful by encouraging you to take alcohol like beer,vodka etc..

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it is educational, but to only an extent. you do learn that being good at something takes time but its not worth all those hours to learn that one thing is it?




you also interact more with poeple and learn to socialise more., but it can be avoided

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