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Paying someone to put new text in my sig


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I want to pay someone to fix what the person who made my sig mispelled. I didn't notice it until after he was done with it, and has not got back to me yet about fixing it... not cool...








Well, anyways.. as you can see "proud" is mispelled.








I want text somewhere so it says these things (scrolls through them.. i guess that is called animated? ... 102 combat, 90 cooking 80 fishing, 80 fletching








So.. ya.. someone please help me out here. Since the guy won't fix it... :roll:

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Go buy another one, and not from the same person if they're going to screw things up then not fix it or atleast give you a .psd to have someone else do it.








we didn't HAVE a psd to use, or we would glady use it. Ryan lost it when he reformated his pc because of some viruses :roll:








EDIT: here... this is as good as its going to get. Worked some magic with the clone brush...









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Go buy another one, and not from the same person if they're going to screw things up then not fix it or atleast give you a .psd to have someone else do it.








we didn't HAVE a psd to use, or we would glady use it. Ryan lost it when he reformated his pc because of some viruses :roll:

I know that a lot of people do not keep .psd's, I certainly do not. But it would be kind to make the guy another one if you screwed it up. But I do recommend that you do buy a new one, evh.
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Go buy another one, and not from the same person if they're going to screw things up then not fix it or atleast give you a .psd to have someone else do it.








we didn't HAVE a psd to use, or we would glady use it. Ryan lost it when he reformated his pc because of some viruses :roll:

I know that a lot of people do not keep .psd's, I certainly do not. But it would be kind to make the guy another one if you screwed it up. But I do recommend that you do buy a new one, evh.








And you didn't read again, we HAD the psd until he REFORMATED his pc, meaning he DELETED everything off of it, and reloaded it. So the psd went with it.








And i just did all i could to fix it up.








Also, good job Loth, i'm preaty cabbage with the clone brush and whatnot :lol:

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Go buy another one, and not from the same person if they're going to screw things up then not fix it or atleast give you a .psd to have someone else do it.








we didn't HAVE a psd to use, or we would glady use it. Ryan lost it when he reformated his pc because of some viruses :roll:

I know that a lot of people do not keep .psd's, I certainly do not. But it would be kind to make the guy another one if you screwed it up. But I do recommend that you do buy a new one, evh.








And you didn't read again, we HAD the psd until he REFORMATED his pc, meaning he DELETED everything off of it, and reloaded it. So the psd went with it.








And i just did all i could to fix it up.








Also, good job Loth, i'm preaty cabbage with the clone brush and whatnot :lol:

It's common of me to read wrong. Get used to it, no need to use them deadly caps. You fixed it without a .psd, congratulations, why didn't you do that when he asked? Sheesh. Yeah: "We would do it but"
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Go buy another one, and not from the same person if they're going to screw things up then not fix it or atleast give you a .psd to have someone else do it.








we didn't HAVE a psd to use, or we would glady use it. Ryan lost it when he reformated his pc because of some viruses :roll:

I know that a lot of people do not keep .psd's, I certainly do not. But it would be kind to make the guy another one if you screwed it up. But I do recommend that you do buy a new one, evh.








And you didn't read again, we HAD the psd until he REFORMATED his pc, meaning he DELETED everything off of it, and reloaded it. So the psd went with it.








And i just did all i could to fix it up.








Also, good job Loth, i'm preaty cabbage with the clone brush and whatnot :lol:

It's common of me to read wrong. Get used to it, no need to use them deadly caps. You fixed it without a .psd, congratulations, why didn't you do that when he asked? Sheesh. Yeah: "We would do it but"








Well its fixed now, so it realy doesn't matter. and when you have a lot of sigs to make it's easy to forget things. and anyways, didn't think i could do it before, just hit me that i could use the clone brush :?

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Well, I will just used what he posted thank you man :lol: If you need me to pay ya for your work.. thats not a prob.








And nadril, I am not blaming you or anything.. i understand that he re did his comp. But I didn't know about neeeding somehting like that. Well, thx man.. oh yah.. i guess I won't need that animated tex thing now that this is fixed :wink: Maybe I will get another sig soon, when I get bored of this one. :P








Anyways.. ty.. and if you want payment for this, tell me and it won't be a problem. :)








EDIT: ok nm.. now I see an animated one, tell me how much you want me to pay for it, and contact me on runescape :P

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