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who likes the band chiodos


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chiodos is the best band ever


if you think the same add me on rs


my username is y for life




Rock on CHIODOS :thumbsup:


:shame: do not disrespect the band


if you dont like them dont say anything


they are a group of excellent musicians


who deseve the upmost respect.

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If I am right you are talking Chiodos the emo group






they sound like a worse version of fall out boy...which I thought could never be achieved.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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I got a friend whose band did a cover of them. I personally dont like the music, not really my style




Some of my friends were saying "GOD CHIODOS IS THE GREATEST!" and I was wholly disappointed when I listened to them. I don't much like their kinda music either, but I mean come on, I know people personally that play locally and do a better job than they do, technically-speaking at least.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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