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Have humans exceeded..


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I think we go further each day than we thought we could. But I don't think we've over exceeded. If we had over exceeded we'd have world peace. If a huge catastrophic event were to occur and it effected many countries allies and enemies, politics would still get in the way of uniting against it. And until then we haven't really accomplished the highest goal, yet we've actually driven away from it by drawing barriers.




Our highest goal is not to achieve world peace. Without fighting things get extremely boring. So in that sense it is not our highest goal.




But I think we have already surpassed the limit nature intended us to achieve. Our technology is too great. We live too long. Andt here are far too many of us. It will lead to be the end of all other life. We'll do anything just to survive. We humans are incredibly selfish.




Due to us exceeding the limits. We are destroying the world to save ourselves. Thinking that it is right to do this as long as we survive. But we'll die this was. By 2080, 2003. The year of the heatwaves. Will be considered a cold year. Then think of many other years we've had.




We will not be here to witness the destruction of our planet. Nor wil we see our own destruction fall nigh. We will just continue living our ignorant, selfish lives.




If we don't do something fast. We'll pay for it in human, and other animals, lives.

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As for your second part... natural ethics? To use the word "ethics" is to suggest that someone or something created the earth with some intention in mind. That is a largely philosophical debate, but please consider this.


You suggest that we shouldn't mess with the planet and that we're disrupting life on this planet and that we shouldn't be doing so. My question is "Why shouldn't we?". This is our planet, we're the dominant species and what we're doing to animal life has happened over and over again in the past. There's been massive extinctions and life always recovers. That's the nature of evolution.




Consider one more thing however. If we're not allowed to mess around with this planet, then what is the point? This planet along with ALL lifebearing planets are ulitmately doomed anyway. Our star can only support life on this planet for a certain length of time anyway. Sooner or later, this, everything around you, will all be for nothing anyway. We're just along for the ride.




If life is part of some grand plan or "ethics" as you used, then is it some kind of huge cosmological joke that our planet is going to be wiped out anyway and all this struggle, strife and debate is ultimately for absolutely nothing. What kind of being/creature/god would conceive such a senario?









"Why shouldn't we?" I'll tell you why. All life on this planet will suffer just for our "fun." Anotehr example of humans being selfish. Even though we were doomed from the start. At least give the other animals a chance to live for all that time. Let them evolve and not die. Let us all live, generally, good lives. Even if it must mean giving in to destiny. At least we will last all that time.




All life must come to an end. Get used to it. It's intimidating. But that's life.




As with most other species, once they reach a certain maxed out population, something comes along that wipes them out to more managable levels, such as plagues, disease and starvation.




I suspect nature will in time correct our species too, and curb our population. I imagine this will be in the form of some global plague much like the influenza pandemic but far more extreme. If not, I imagine we're due some pretty enormous wars which will no doubt be sparked by the ever dwinding resources we require to support our level of civilisation.




Too late for that now. We have already safely conquered and destroyed this planet.




I heard somewhere that our resources will be lost in 2050. Then nothing will remain. The stone ages will rule once again. Machenary will not be able to be made at all.




plagues don't just appear out of thin air. A virus or disease or fungus has to be at the far end. The becteria and funguses are easily to be destroyes. But the viruses are much harder to get rid of. But by the time this new virus comes along. We'd be smart enougth to figure out a cure.




The human race is doomed. But we've doomed ourselves much quicker than we would have been destroyed. Now, our time on this planet will be much shorter.

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All life must come to an end. Get used to it. It's intimidating. But that's life.





Erm, I have... read my post again, you must've missed that one.




As with most other species, once they reach a certain maxed out population, something comes along that wipes them out to more managable levels, such as plagues, disease and starvation.




I suspect nature will in time correct our species too, and curb our population. I imagine this will be in the form of some global plague much like the influenza pandemic but far more extreme. If not, I imagine we're due some pretty enormous wars which will no doubt be sparked by the ever dwinding resources we require to support our level of civilisation.





Too late for that now. We have already safely conquered and destroyed this planet.




I heard somewhere that our resources will be lost in 2050. Then nothing will remain. The stone ages will rule once again. Machenary will not be able to be made at all.




plagues don't just appear out of thin air. A virus or disease or fungus has to be at the far end. The becteria and funguses are easily to be destroyes. But the viruses are much harder to get rid of. But by the time this new virus comes along. We'd be smart enougth to figure out a cure.




The human race is doomed. But we've doomed ourselves much quicker than we would have been destroyed. Now, our time on this planet will be much shorter.




Figure out a cure? You mean like we haven't done for HIV after 30 years of research? Imagine a vector that's as deadly but is airborne. That would truly be the end of us. Speaking of which, there's still no cure for the buebonic plague, even after all these centuries, which wiped out 30%+ of Europes population. Bird flu is also incurable, as is the common flu and all it's various mutations. We're not quite in the clear and it would be foolish to assume that we are.




The human race is not doomed. We are technically capable and clever enough to overcome any foreseeable problem... we just need the political and economic will to meet these challanges.

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As with most other species, once they reach a certain maxed out population, something comes along that wipes them out to more managable levels, such as plagues, disease and starvation.




I suspect nature will in time correct our species too, and curb our population. I imagine this will be in the form of some global plague much like the influenza pandemic but far more extreme. If not, I imagine we're due some pretty enormous wars which will no doubt be sparked by the ever dwinding resources we require to support our level of civilisation.




Too late for that now. We have already safely conquered and destroyed this planet.




I heard somewhere that our resources will be lost in 2050. Then nothing will remain. The stone ages will rule once again. Machenary will not be able to be made at all.




plagues don't just appear out of thin air. A virus or disease or fungus has to be at the far end. The becteria and funguses are easily to be destroyes. But the viruses are much harder to get rid of. But by the time this new virus comes along. We'd be smart enougth to figure out a cure.




The human race is doomed. But we've doomed ourselves much quicker than we would have been destroyed. Now, our time on this planet will be much shorter.




Figure out a cure? You mean like we haven't done for HIV after 30 years of research? Imagine a vector that's as deadly but is airborne. That would truly be the end of us. Speaking of which, there's still no cure for the buebonic plague, even after all these centuries, which wiped out 30%+ of Europes population. Bird flu is also incurable, as is the common flu and all it's various mutations. We're not quite in the clear and it would be foolish to assume that we are.




The human race is not doomed. We are technically capable and clever enough to overcome any foreseeable problem... we just need the political and economic will to meet these challanges.




meh, We're getting smarter. So in theory. Our knowledge may make us be be able to conquer future diseases. Besides. It's sort of stupid what you said.




"As with most other species, once they reach a certain maxed out population, something comes along that wipes them out to more managable levels, such as plagues, disease and starvation."




Every time a species goes over the limit something fixes it. Kind of a silly thing to say? These diseases always come along when we overpopulate. It just... doesn't seem like a smart thing to say really.




Humans are surprisingly ignorant. That is why these problems have emerged- due to our ignorance. We know not of selflessness. We only know about how to save our own skins. That's doomed us all. We will destroy ourslves in order to be comfortable.




optimism won't save yourself.

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Every time a species goes over the limit something fixes it. Kind of a silly thing to say? These diseases always come along when we overpopulate. It just... doesn't seem like a smart thing to say really.





Yes, something does. If disease dosen't, lack of food, predation or competition will. There are always population limits for a given environment. Basic ecology, methinks.

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At least give the other animals a chance to live for all that time. Let them evolve and not die. Let us all live, generally, good lives. Even if it must mean giving in to destiny. At least we will last all that time.





Why do people get education, invest, save money, work for promotions..? People are greedy, they are no longer content with just having:




1. food,


2. drink


3. shelter


4. entertainment.




People give meaning to their lives by buying:




1. better food,


2. expensive drinks,


3. big houses and mansions


4. pools, plasma TV's, sports cars, etc. on the expense of nature.




When you live a "normal" and "safe" life for decades, you will eventually become bored and want something more. Most people will. That's why you can't use a system like communism, most people don't want to be just like everybody else. Too idealistic




People have jealousy, envy, greed, lust. They want to be better than their neighbours.




If it wasn't for capitalism, it would be people hoarding general resources like water, food, wood, and using them to extort people who are poor and want to live. That's how humans have been since the caveman. Sorry but people in general will use every advantage they can to be 'better' than others

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technically, this theory is weird, but it works...




If you know about population growth curves, we are currently growing exponentially. At one point, limiting factors are gonna level the population out.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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technically, this theory is weird, but it works...




If you know about population growth curves, we are currently growing exponentially. At one point, limiting factors are gonna level the population out.




Nothing wierd about that... Just because we're h0mo sapiens dosen't mean we're a special case from the rest of the animal populations (in a broader sense of the ecology of animals with respect to population limiting factors).

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At least give the other animals a chance to live for all that time. Let them evolve and not die. Let us all live, generally, good lives. Even if it must mean giving in to destiny. At least we will last all that time.





Why do people get education, invest, save money, work for promotions..? People are greedy, they are no longer content with just having:




1. food,


2. drink


3. shelter


4. entertainment.




People give meaning to their lives by buying:




1. better food,


2. expensive drinks,


3. big houses and mansions


4. pools, plasma TV's, sports cars, etc. on the expense of nature.




When you live a "normal" and "safe" life for decades, you will eventually become bored and want something more. Most people will. That's why you can't use a system like communism, most people don't want to be just like everybody else. Too idealistic




People have jealousy, envy, greed, lust. They want to be better than their neighbours.




If it wasn't for capitalism, it would be people hoarding general resources like water, food, wood, and using them to extort people who are poor and want to live. That's how humans have been since the caveman. Sorry but people in general will use every advantage they can to be 'better' than others




That's what i said. I was just saying how we shouldn't wreck other animals lives just for our own entertainment.




I know that we humans are incredibuly selfish. In fact, I said the same thing in that post as what you just said. (That humans are selfish etc.)

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