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>>>>>>Computer Constantly Restarting!<<<&lt


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Sorry, i have posted this before but i couldnt find my other post so i will repost basically what i had said before with some added information.




My computer seems to randomly restart, no warning message randomly. Whenever i am not online it's fine and whenver on say tip.it forums i am fine from it restarting. The computer isn't overheating because it restarts all the time and i looked at the specs on thew screen once it starts and up and it says its around 90 (degress) F which is normal of course it does heat up while i am using it. i've heard from my step father that it may be the ram and i need an upgrade... it's currently a 256 Mb or RAM. I've noticed whenver playing runescape, on mostly like... animated sites like my school's website page looking at pictures it restarts. I can play video games fine on my computer like rollar coaster tycoon mostly (well the first one, dont have the 2nd or 3rd). I've recently virus scanned my computer and gotten rid of a few trojans and adaware but my computer restarts while i virus scan too. now the restarting is totally random but i cant even get into a few minutes of playing runescape and i'm becoming extremely bored... and frustrated so i decided to post it here and see if anyone has a good answer to my problems. Thanks








EDIT: After doing some research with CTRL, Alt, Delete i've found that whenever entering runescape the memory usage jumps from 24k-45k+ now maybe i just need another RAM Drive thingy (yea... not exactly smart with computers and names of things) But if you don't think or agree with this please, still post!

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The RAM might help overall performance, but it won't help restarts unless you have messed up RAM. (Which is unlikely, because when RAM gets messed up it completely dies) Is your computer brand made, and if so is it from a cheaper company such as emachines or compaq. Both of those companies use cheap power supplies and a bad power supply can easily cause restarts.




If it doesn't restart when browsing forums the reason might be because certain components aren't under as much strain. For instance, maybe your hard drive has to seek more for other applications. Also if it is the power supply adding more RAM will only make it worse because it justs adds to what the power supply already has to do.




I personally would doubt that it is a virus if nothing worse has happened to you yet. If it is a virus that wouldn't do anything huge (like the viruses used for flooding... PM me if you want it explained) it wouldn't make sense to shut down your computer because it would hurt what ever it is doing. If it was a virus meant to crash your computer it probably would have by now.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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The RAM might help overall performance, but it won't help restarts unless you have messed up RAM. (Which is unlikely, because when RAM gets messed up it completely dies)


This isn't true. You can have bad modules on a stick of ram or bad sectors in a module while having a working stick. It's when you hit those bad modules or sectors that causes problems (corruption/restarts).




A RAM upgrade would definatly be a good idea, even though it won't fix your restart issues. 256mb is rather low and an upgrade to at least 512mb or 1gb would be a good idea.




First off, go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Under startup and recovery, click "Settings". In the window that appears, make sure "Automatically Restart" is not checked. This will force the machine to display a blue screen and an error code if something causes windows to crash. Next time the machine restarts on you, write down (or take a picture of) what the screen says. It'll help us hunt down what is wrong.




Second, try running your virus scans in safe mode to prevent anything bad from loading while you're scanning. Before the windows loading screen appears, press and hold F8 and select one of the Safe Mode options (doesn't matter which). Log into the admin account and run your scans there.

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OMG. i forgot to add this bit of information concluding me to thinking it is a virus... recently my computer "Crashed" not exactly crashed brcause i got my informations such as schol work for my porfolio back but the desktop to the login i always login to (you know how it says guest and such) went back to how it was before and i cant figure out the problem. Nothing was delteed though.

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Here's a pic of my start bar... and a wierd problem with my virus protection software which it can't update, that's been happenning for abou... i want to say 1-2 weeks now...








P.S. sorry aweful quality had to fit it into the screen...

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Hope that helps, the Avast not being able to update can be seen clearly from the other image, and it only appears wen i log back in so it'll seem useless to try and get that back again =p




P.S. Wow, thanks to everyone helping me it seems... i.. am loved :mrgreen:

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