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[Race to 99 WC] [22 Racers]

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hmm i hope i win this cause ill have 99 in 2 more days :^o


lol jk :thumbsup:


but 2nd place dude says hes gonna nolife and own me grrr


lol its not bout the 99k


its the owning...true words from "tree pwner"



Dont just own runescape, Take it over!




kuranus aka tree pwner

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hmm i hope i win this cause ill have 99 in 2 more days :^o


lol jk :thumbsup:


but 2nd place dude says hes gonna nolife and own me grrr


lol its not bout the 99k


its the owning...true words from "tree pwner"







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hmm i hope i win this cause ill have 99 in 2 more days :^o


lol jk :thumbsup:


but 2nd place dude says hes gonna nolife and own me grrr


lol its not bout the 99k


its the owning...true words from "tree pwner"






am i second place? because i am nolifing it... :mrgreen: i don't like "pwning" trees irl, i'm a tree hugger lol, but these pixelated trees are mocking them! die pixels! :twisted: 8-)



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can i post my progress too? i will anyway, just got to 75 off of yews, going to cut mages now




By all means yes! Post any level-up pics and I'll also add them to the first post :)




Mc, you can join, as long as you promise to pay for all capes :lol:




This is turning out better than I thought. Still accepting racers!




Oak Count: 19,026

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Going to bed soon. Going on vaction tomorrow until Tuesday, which is when I get P2P back. Please post all level-up pics and add as many friends to the race as you want. I will be on here and there Sunday and Monday.






PS Wakka is in Florida, I'm going to Wisconsin <.<






My body is annoying me.




Oak Count: 19,807

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What???? I got you Pregnant?!?!?!??!?!?!! :boohoo: You gave me something.... COUNT ME IN HUN! LMAO. 91 wc atm. 5984879 xp atm in wc... I should invite Dav or My mate that's level 126 P mod :) Lol Not gonna happen though :) And... Gtfo my skill. Loser. Theif. Lol. JK. I still love you... rofl.






YOu: piman1053.gif








Who will win? :-k


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Our 10th racer, Idiot2014 (Idiot2013) Has been added.




Remember to post all level-up pics that you want and I'll add them to the first post.




Also, many people have been asking about the structure of the race, so I added a bit about that in the first post.




Oak count: 19,807

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hmmm it seems that i am in need of 6.5k willows to raise this lvl :anxious:




ill have today or tommorow depending on what i have to do in rl \'


and if im on my good pc ill post pic(bad one my paint is owned ) #-o

Dont just own runescape, Take it over!




kuranus aka tree pwner

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I will join if its ok :). 96 wcing now, add me ingame if you need.

128+ Combat \\ 1900+ Total Level \\ 85M+ EXP

5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

Draconic Visage: 1+ \\ DK Drops: 169+ \\ GWD Drops: 74+

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Thats my goal sig if you want also too.

128+ Combat \\ 1900+ Total Level \\ 85M+ EXP

5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

Draconic Visage: 1+ \\ DK Drops: 169+ \\ GWD Drops: 74+

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Goodluck guys!




I just wanted to say that there are 3 yew trees by the Jolly Boar Inn(bar by the wild) and it's usually pretty much empty on p2p worlds but it's still my favourite spot of all. I cut from 60-99 at those babies :)

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:shame: go away tyler :ohnoes:


lol grr ill have to nolife to win now lol <.<


hehe dont get to mad, i might not be able to play alot with finals :ohnoes:

128+ Combat \\ 1900+ Total Level \\ 85M+ EXP

5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

Draconic Visage: 1+ \\ DK Drops: 169+ \\ GWD Drops: 74+

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:shame: go away tyler :ohnoes:


lol grr ill have to nolife to win now lol <.<


hehe dont get to mad, i might not be able to play alot with finals :ohnoes:




:-k i have finals also but im out thursday the 14th :thumbsup:


hopefully i can no life and catch u b4 u b4 u reach it, thanxs for joining and giving tough competition and motivation =D>

Dont just own runescape, Take it over!




kuranus aka tree pwner

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