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[Race to 99 WC] [22 Racers]

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I was thinking that we could come together as a community and each contribute 10k for each cape :oops:


hah you wish :twisted:






nah jk sure we help you to pay the capes ::'


btw where are you ppl cutting??


(I wana live for ever,

or die trying...)

I have dyslexia so forgive me my bad grammar

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And Minergoo is 85 cb. I just realized I was wrong when I posted that. My point was just to say we don't have any Wakkas.




A friend just told me of a way to average 70k-80k wc xp an hour, but I'll need my P2P back first.




If this does work out, I might be able to get 99 wc and a few other stats before the end of summer. I will have to semi-retire during the school year because of 5 AP classes :x and lots of music.




Willow count: 13,302

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ok umm a few things


1)grats to all these lvl ups =D>


2)whoever is behind me and wants to catch me...gl cause no life starts after thursday untill 99wc rofl :P


3)i cant wait till the winner party rolls thru :-w


4)kimzon i heard u was gonna try to beat me the "tree pwner" not gonna happen =p


5)if anybody was wondering im gonna...fmake to 99 next after combating to 100combat and 90 str...then ill skill all low lvls to 55-60 and then 99 fletch! woot \'

Dont just own runescape, Take it over!




kuranus aka tree pwner

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Azurechaos has a race to 99 fm (That I've completed \' )




I get p2p back tonight and then I will test out the method that gives 80k xp an hour. If everything works out I will post when I get 99, hopefully by my July 26th Bday \' #-o :-s \'




Willow count: 14,104

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ok umm a few things


1)grats to all these lvl ups =D>


2)whoever is behind me and wants to catch me...gl cause no life starts after thursday untill 99wc rofl :P


3)i cant wait till the winner party rolls thru :-w


4)kimzon i heard u was gonna try to beat me the "tree pwner" not gonna happen =p


5)if anybody was wondering im gonna...fmake to 99 next after combating to 100combat and 90 str...then ill skill all low lvls to 55-60 and then 99 fletch! woot \'




i can allways try :D 9m wc total xp now 600k xp made now from the day i joined (that was yesterday)


(I wana live for ever,

or die trying...)

I have dyslexia so forgive me my bad grammar

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i like the way u blew up my challenge to you :P


:lol: bring it! :lol:




good job and ill have 10m not long after i log on tommorow \'


so bring it :ohnoes:

Dont just own runescape, Take it over!




kuranus aka tree pwner

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ummm....bump :anxious:


where are you ppl its boring to bump this blog alone -.-


(I wana live for ever,

or die trying...)

I have dyslexia so forgive me my bad grammar

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i tell piman to add you when he logs in hes dont use the forums atm cuz he wants maximal xp


(I wana live for ever,

or die trying...)

I have dyslexia so forgive me my bad grammar

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