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The Source?


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Where are all these problems cropping up from? To quote myself,




Ago, before modern days, I remember being weak. Slightly less of what I am now. A single insult would wound me deeply. Daily it would happen. I felt comepletely crushed. Then, I was pulled out. I was given a chance of recuperation. When I returned, I was invincible. Insults bounced off me, and I no longer noticed them.




All the upstanding people seem to not hear the insults either. Using this knowledge, is the reason many of us are down because of our lack of invincibility?




Many modern people would be crushed from quite simple things that others would shrug off and fix in between no time at all to a year or two.




Could this be one of the main problems that is the origination of millions of minor ones? Have we finally began tapping into the vast source of preperation?




Another question, who is the force who begans creating the need for this insult-invincibility anyway?




And so I relate this to RS life.




Alot of the problems in RS as well originate from this sort of things. The feeling of invincibility. We feel angry that certain aspects we had to shrug off are now null for new players. However, there are still other very similar problems.




So, is this the source? :pray:

Two men were walking through the forest. When they got out, they saw a war. One said cool, and ran forward, the other turned back. Later, both envied the other's decision. Who was right?


~It's not done till you're done with it~

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I am having some problems understanding your first post. :? Basically this was I understood about what you were trying to say in your first post?




You were once vulnerable to verbal insults, afterwards you stood up renewed again, but this time the same old verbal insults did not affect you, and you wanted to know how not to be offended by words? If that is the case, you should always remember this: "sticks and stones harm me, but words can't hurt me"




Had no idea what you are talking about in coming paragraphs :?

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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kinda off Free.




I think he's meaning that before he matured, he was weak to all the verbal attacks until he possibly took a break from Rs. Then came back and felt better about himself and was not offended at the verbal attacks.




He also mentions that kids today would be hurt inside by the idiots who roam RS due to their verbal attacks. He thinks that this could be part of the problem with the "0mfg! stfu n00b!" syndrome.




Then he wonders who thought of these verbal assaults.






He posts in this final paragraph that we all feel like those verbal threats are stupid but yet we get a little annoyed are now bothering the newbies of RS.






I think this is indeed the source as some players take verbal attacks seriously. Really, these people in reality don't know you 98% of the time and are just using any method to make you look bad. I myself had several snotty people but I knew "hey, it ain't true about you and how they are idiots; get the sarcasm ready."






All those years of reading classic novels paid off :P



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Ah ok thanks for the clarification WookieeMania12.




I suppose it is human nature to protective of their loved ones, physically and emotionally? In cases of verbal attacks not directed towards them, they would usually retaliate in defence of the victim they know which usually results in deeper conflict between both parties. Correct me if I'm wrong. :?

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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In RS as in life, the thing about dealing with verbal abuse is partly the sticks-and-stones attitude. True, it doesn't physically hurt, but can hurt emotionally.


The best principle I've found to deal with all verbal abuse in RS and from strangers in RL is to remember that these people do not know who you are, therefore they cannot possible be personal in their attack. Even if they think they are, you know that they are foolish to think they can know you when they don't.

Don't follow me. You might not make it.

All your accounts are belong to us now.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator
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One thing about verbal abuse is 98% of the time it is untrue and so they choose anything that'll stick.




Example: Lets say I tell Cryptogram this:




"ur a noob! u have no lief. ur a 300pound dude lving in ur moms basement. so stfu noob or i'll keel u in wildy u noob."




I know that Cryptogram is not like that, but I want to use anything to hurt him.




Example 2: I want Cryptogram to buy me a bronze scimmy and he refuses:




"by me a bronze skimmy noob! ur a ******* noob 4 n0t giving me a skimmy. Haha noob!"




Now, Cryptogram has a choice of adding me to ignore list or buying me a scimmy.








Anyone facing these abuses should just add the people to ignore list or report them if they are pushing the envelope (if they haven't already).



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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