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~ Need Help Concerning Making Bolts and Their Effects ~


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I'm a a ranger with 82 Range and want to start using cross bows to mix things up during my training. I have knives, cannons, arrows ect. but want to know what training with bolts is like seeing as people have quite a few hits a lot higher than what I hit with arrows and such.




First of all what is the heirarchy of the bolts concerning damage?




I understand that Rune > Adament > Mithril > Steel > Iron > Bronze


But where do the effects of the gem tippped ones [(Dstone, Diamond, Ruby. Emerald, Saphire, Opal, Jade, Pearl)]




Do I have to enchant the bolts or can I leave them unenchanted.




1.What is the difference in damage between enchanted and unenchanted ones?




2.What are the effects of the enchanted ones besides higher damage?




3.How much damage does each do?




4.How often does the special effect take place?




If you could please post it in the following format:




Bolt Name:


Special Effect:




Damage at 82 range (thus far I have yet to find a bolt damage calculator)






Manufacturing the Bolts?






Using the Search Button I Managed to Find the Following Information.




To make gem tiped bolts, first smith some unfeathered bolts from metal bars, then atach feathers to them. you have made regular bolts. to make them have gem tips, get any uncut gem (sapphire, emerald, ruby...) and use a chisel on it to cut it. If you use the chisel with the cut gem again, you'll have an option to cut it into bolt tips. Once you have the gem tips, use them with the bolts and you'll have gem tiped bolts




If I make Mithril Bolts and attach saphire bolt tip to them will they have different damage than if I make Adament Bolts and attach Saphilre bolt tips to them? Or does adding a gem tip nullify what type of metal the bolt previously was.




Assuming that yes the kind of metal you use effects the amount of damage you do after youve added gem tips to them then doesn't that mean there are 36+ different kind of bolts since you can add 6 different gem tips to each kind of bolt. That seems kinda absurd to me so can anyone correct me if I'm wrong.




Examples of what I mean

[b]Bronze Bolt:[/b]

Saphire tipped

Emerald tipped

Ruby tipped

Diamond tipped

Dragonstone tipped

Onyx tipped

[b]Iron Bolt:[/b]

Saphire tipped

Emerald tipped

Ruby tipped

Diamond tipped

Dragonstone tipped

Onyx tipped

[b]Steel Bolt:[/b]

Saphire tipped

Emerald tipped

Ruby tipped

Diamond tipped

Dragonstone tipped

Onyx tipped

[b]Mithril Bolt[/b]Saphire tipped

Emerald tipped

Ruby tipped

Diamond tipped

Dragonstone tipped

Onyx tipped

[b]Adament Bolt[/b]

Saphire tipped

Emerald tipped

Ruby tipped

Diamond tipped

Dragonstone tipped

Onyx tipped

[b]Rune Bolt[/b]

Saphire tipped

Emerald tipped

Ruby tipped

Diamond tipped

Dragonstone tipped

Onyx tipped

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10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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I dont have any information on damage but I can give you this much.




There is only certain gems that can go with each bolt and here they are.




Bronze Bolts






Blurite Bolts






Iron Bolts






Steel Bolts


Red Topaz




Mith Bolts








Addy Bolts








Rune Bolts








Only those gems can go with those bolts to my knowledge. Im sorry I dont have any damage info. I plan on using bolts like you but Im still researching infomation on them.




Edit: Go here Magic Guide and go down to bolt enchantments to read about the different enchantments and what they do.

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It's ok if you don't know the damage, because that was a huge help, cause I didn't believe that they would make over 36 different kinds of bolts, nor that the gem tips would nullify the type of metal.




Thanks a lot.

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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This the BasicGuide






For the echantment They This guide




Opal :Can cause a lightning bolt to hit your opponent inflicting damage.




Sapphire :Can lower your opponents Prayer points and give them to you. Only works on human controlled players.




Jade :Can cause your opponent to be knocked down, stunning them.




Pearl : Causes water to fall on your opponent, inflicting damage. Water staves prevent this, fire opponents are vulnerable to it.




Emerald :Makes bolts super poisoned, with greater chance of poisoning than using a potion.




Red Topaz :Can lower your opponents magic level. Only works on human controlled players.




Ruby :Can cause opponent to lose 20% of their hitpoints. In return, you lose 10% of yours.




Diamond :Can ignore a part of your opponent's Ranged Defence.




Dragonstone :Can hit with the power of dragon breath. Power is lost when fighting someone with a anti-dragonbreath shield or a monster that can use fire breath.




Onyx :Can inflict extra damage to the opponent. A portion of this extra damage heals the shooter of the bolt.

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So it looks like the only ones worth enchanting are the Opal and Pearl tipped ones if I'm juts going to fight NPC's.




How often do the said effects occur?




or better yet




Is it worth enchanting bolts period?




Besides the special effects, will the bolts do extra damage than the non-enchanted version assuming it's not doing its effect at that momemt.




(What I mean is Say Opal tipped and Optal Tipped Enchanted. Will the enchanted version do more damage when it isn't doing its special effect than the regular non enchanted ones?)

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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Only one or two Gem Tips fit with each bolt.




Bronze = Opal


Blurite = Jade


Iron = Pearl


Steel = Red Topaz


Mithril = Sapphire and Emerald


Adamantite = Ruby and Diamond


Rune = Dragonstone and Onyx




Also, each different gem-bolt had a special effect when fired (random, I think) that gives more damage.




You can fire the bolts without Gem Tip and unechanted as well, but I don't know the differences in damage.

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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So what your saying there are differences in damage between enchanted and unenchanted versions when teh special effect is not taking place? But you just donn't know how much?/

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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I thought this was the purpose of Tip.it's guides. I answer most of this questions through them. :wall: Some people just don't look it up first or are too lazy.



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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