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itunes memory help


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ok, i only have about 8GB of songs/videos on my ipod/itunes. My ipod displays the correct amount of storage space used up, but my itunes says it has 73GB of memory taken up. Is there a way to restart this counter?(at the bottom of itunes.) There isnt anything else wrong down there, the time is about correct. and The number of tracks is too.










I'm wearing Rune Axe.

Wearing? Did you selotape the axe on your chest? :lol:

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a piece of hardware is always going to display storage space differently then a piece of software.




Always trust the free space the actual piece of hardware says is available.




But seriously, on an 80GB ipod, with only 8GB of data stored on it, why even worry about it ?

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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