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Anyone want to buy this sig?


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Hey, just made this sig for Javeline and he turned it down basically.
















There you go, but the catch is, i need atleast 400k for it. And if you want anything added, and i will change the text..








Also, i am selling my sig. VVV I need atleast 400k for that too, and will change the text as per usual.









New sig to come!

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Oh. Thanks for the info, it's just Javeline is paying 500k for ones which are much worse.








So, that's where i got the quote from really.









New sig to come!

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Yes, as said, the 400k each wouldnt be made easily with those sigs..








Here are some pointers:








Pick a lightsource, and shade accordingly to it. Look at the rocks with the arrow in it. They seem to have shades at the edges, but only there..




There is no depth in the rocks.. And rocks odnt have tiny lines in them, with a small shadow behind it. Take a look at some pictures of rock formations, they usually have large parts of shadow on them.








You could also detail the grass a bit more.. Just give it some texture.




It could use a bit of background detail, as it looks pretty much like an empty world, add some tree's, dirt, things, just dont make it stand out too much, as its the background, and the focus here lies on the rocks..








Well, jsut think about it, study some pictures of real life outdoor scenes, and try to rework it, eprhaps Javeline will buy it then..

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Just to say something, you should have the bow laying sideways instead of up, kinda makes it look like its floating :\ Also instead of water maybe you could have lava? Since in the wild theres only really lava instead of water? Btw i love ur idea, very funny :lol:


If you have any questions about World of Warcraft or you need an explanation about something, please feel free to pm me.

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