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HAM invasion of Gnome Stronghold

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On the 14th of July at precisley 8PM GMT, myself and fellow HAM followers will invade the Gnome Stronghold.




The requirments to be part of the invasion are that you wear the HAM robes. This includes


- the HAM shirt


- the HAM robe


- the Ham hood




feel free to wear the rest of the uniform if you have it. The invasion will last up to 30 minutes and will consist of killing all Gnomes onsight, Setting many fires and causing upset to the Gnomes. If this invasion is succesful we hope to then attack the tree Gnome stronghold 1 week later exactley.


The invasion timetable consists of this




- the invasion will be in world 87


- The invasion will start at 8pm


- We will gather at Ardounge Market at 7.30pm.


- At 7.45pm we will march north towards the stronghold.


- At 7.52pm i will give a final speech :pray: before we storm the stronghold


- At 8pm exactly we will storm the stronghold and kill all Gnomes!!


- If there is any casultys :boohoo: they will be reimbursed for what they lost




all levels are welcome and all people are welcome. please come so we can slowly eradicate monster scum in runescape once and for all. If anyone has questions pm me in game on kranked1


Thank you



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