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Building a Computer - a few questions


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Everything looks compatible.




The only thing you could do better is getting a motherboard with the nvidia 6 series chipset. I believe you can get one for cheaper than the board you picked out.

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I've got a pretty decent one already Bart, which I should be set reusing.




And I'll check that out tonight blade, cause im being shooed off the computer right now.


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I've got a pretty decent one already Bart, which I should be set reusing.




And I'll check that out tonight blade, cause im being shooed off the computer right now.




When you say that you've gotten a pretty decent one already, are you sure that it's even the right form factor? :-s




You can get a good enough computer case for very cheap. You might as well just get a new one.

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Yeah, I'm almost positive that the one I have will work - when I took out the old motherboard it had all the standard outputs of an ATX (it had numerous slots that an AT wouldn't have.) As far as cooling goes, the one I have seems wider than other cases and has two large fans (180 mm, compared to 120mm, I think,) not including the PSU fan. So, I'm pretty sure that the case I've got is at least as good as, if not better than any other cheap case I might buy. (and if I do need to buy one, well I'llk know that once i try fitting the stuff out.)




And blade, do you have any suggestions on that? I've seen a bunch of mobos with "Intel GMA X3000" or "Intel GMA 3100" but none with nvidia 6. I have seen some with nvidia north/south bridges, but I'm pretty sure those are different from nvidia graphics.


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Alrighty, it looks good - I'm sold. Thanks a lot. I'll buy the parts tonight, and tell you how it goes.




EDIT: Parts bought! Two of the smaller parts were out of stock (DVD/CD Rom and firewire add on) but I found replacements without too much trouble. Thanks for all the help.


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