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A sketch - The Price of Victory


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I like it. The only beef i have is that a few of the bodies there, well dont look like people. Like the guy in full armor on the far left, seems a bit flat :P








That, and maybe you should distinguish whos on what side. Considering the title is "price of victory" you should show an ample ammount of deaths for both sides, kind of making the point more clear :)

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I figured "if they're in full plate armour, they're on the same side."








I just didn't feel like filling a whole A4 page with corpses.








Yeah true. I guess i was thinking like full armor = fighter kind of thing, lighter armor = ranger. Mayhe a symbol on the armor? not sure realy :)








and i wasn't realy sugesting a whole page of corpses, just the way it looks is perhaps like that guy killed off all those people, which may be true, but you get what i'm getting at :P

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Yeah, with nad on this...I expected a rather personal touch to this..something that portrays some feeling.








anyway, the actual sketch is pretty decent. Not sure i would put a severed arm, just seems a bit too far fetched. I am sure arms were severed, but not often with full plate, etc.

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