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Pixel apprentence anyone>?


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well im not the best in the world and i want to get better...if any of you pros out there would consider helping me and me being kind of an apprentice id be very greatful, while your teaching me if i sell anything 60% of it goes to you and plus youll know you taught me :D hehe








My Past Work (top is most recent goin in descending order)




























plus many more








so post here or pm me if your interested



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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here is the dirty little secret about pixel art--
































































































































You have to know how to draw. That is it. If you can draw and shade you can do it like the masters. If you can't, then no tricks or shortcuts will help you. I know that both jeppoz and mrxman can draw in natural media beyond the level of most here. So it makes sense that their pixel works are better.












If you really want to be better at pixeling, work on drawing.








The sooner would be pixelers get this concept the sooner they








a. work on their drawing




b. stop bothering.








Either is a valid course.








By the way, you are already better than quite a few on this board. Just work on your drawing skills.

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i know, in pretty good at drawinf irl but when i get on the comp all my concept of shading just goes so does how to form alot of things, maybe its because i have more control over a ppencil, and ty for your advce, im gonna start drawing everyday i guess :D



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Exactly what Tttia said :)








and if you have more control with a pencil, perhaps draw something and scan it in, than define it with paint/whatever :)








or... get a wacom tablet :lol:

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yeah, and nad how much r those little things anyways cuz i want one and not sure how mucht they r








Depends on the type you get. You could probaly find a decent one for 50-100$, i think... :shock:








I have an old crappy one that i can't get to work lol :lol: :lol:

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check the http://www.wacom.com site. I suggest getting their cheaper refurbished ones. They work great, and you don't save much over going to ebay...unless you want the one 3 versions old. Which actually, I have an intuos 1 (now in three) and it is fine.








Yeah, And i STILL can't get mine to work.








Thing worked for like... 3 days and then stoped lolz :shock: :shock: It hates me :(

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