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The Gladiatorz Video Gallery


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Muster the Rohirrim - (Gladz Promo) - Click me






Glad Vs. 3v0luti0n - Click me


Gladz Vs Anarchy - Click me


Gladz Vs. Blackknights - Click me


Gladz Vs. DarkSlayers - Click me






Gladz Vs. Clan Destine - 2 hour prep - Click me


Gladz Vs Genesis Dynasty - Click me


Gladz Vs. Damage Inc. - 20 vs 20 p2p - Click me


Gladz Vs. Damage Inc. - Full out mini - Click Me


Gladz Vs. Luna - Full out mini - 1st version - Click me - 2nd version - Click me


Gladz Vs. Lk - 10 vs 10 - Click me


Gladz Vs. Trwf - 40vs 40 -Click me


Gladz Vs. The Titans - Click me






Pk Trips:


Anarchy Run-in - Click me


The Alliance PK Trip - Click me




Fun Events:


The Battle of the Sexes - Click me






Muster teh Hobbits - Click me


"This is why I'm RoT" - Click me






Credits to videos: Apollonius, Coolhaz7000, LordMurd49, EmperorNecro Sieke, Taz1134, Thebrain27, Warren121212, Windex 5, and Xiahou D0ne.


Thanks to Bleedblack for helping to re-host some old videos.


Created By Gladz Pr Team

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  • 1 year later...

Thought I'd post a few of our recent fights, from my perspective, as these are a year old.


The Gladiatorz VS RsHun Knights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfjo_n_rTQg&fmt=18


The Gladiatorz VS Wilderland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSUksCiZ8HU&fmt=18


The Gladiatorz VS The British Elites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b-qZUVy-eA&fmt=18


The Gladiatorz VS Red Devil Clan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2J2tG0W0V8&fmt=18




For the Gladz official Youtube Channel, click here, here should be the most up to date videos and such, for your entertainment.

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