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Highscores for different countrys?


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It would be cool, if RuneScape induced that!




the only effective way to do it would be for RuneScape to induce it, maybe just add flags next to our names..




Yes! I agree 100% :D

Youtube user name: birdman258 200MCook 200mPrayer MakinWines MyF2pSkillers

Going for Level 99 Magic & Level 99 Smithing!!!

Going for 200M Woodcutting exp!!!!!!!

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It would be cool, if RuneScape induced that!




the only effective way to do it would be for RuneScape to induce it, maybe just add flags next to our names..




Yes! I agree 100% :D




I think it is in the "dont suggest"-list of Jagex, there would be to much racism. Like: "i'm not trading with you because you come from COUNTRY". I can imagine USA vs Iraq/Korea/Afghanistan/....




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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