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Help me find a good broadband service


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Okay, I hope this is the place for this...




I have Dial-up. And it just can't load RuneScape properly. Glitches and Lost connection all the time. Not to mention always having to get offline to use the phone. In short, it's just not a reliable ISP. I've heard broadband is good, but I just don't believe the commerials, afterall, AOL says they are the best when it actually SUCKS. So I thought I'd ask you guys for help.




Here's what I'd like to know:




1. What Broadband service do you use?


2. How reliable is it?


3. Does it load RuneScape well?


4. How much does it cost?






I don't need a super great broadband. I don't load music or videos on my computer.. Mostly just RuneScape.




Thanks for any help that can provide. ::'


*Please note I'm a technology caveman so to speak, I'm just not experienced*

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1. DSL. ATT.


2. Great.


3. Yes.


4. $27.99/mo for me (fastest), but you can get the slower DSL for $14.99/mo.


5. DSL.. to put it simply, ATT sends a signal through the phone line to your router. You connect to the internet through this router. The closer you are to the ATT station, the faster you'll be.




Cable works similar to the DSL. Basically, the cable company sends the signal to an area, and all cable users in that particular area get their internet from the same source. It is faster than DSL, although it slows down when more people are using the connection. It is usually a lot more expensive than DSL.




(I know the terminology may be a bit off, but it should suffice)




Hopefully that was basic enough of an explanation.


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Thanks for your help. I've been looking into ATT, but it says service isn't available in my area code.




I think my stepmother is using some sort of broadband, I'll ask her about it tomorrow too.

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In that case, try to use Verizon or Yahoo's SBC (if you live in the US)...




They usually are reliable, and the cost is similar to what weezcake posted...


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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