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Hows this new sig ?


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I like it quite a bit actually. Nice, minimalistic. If it's for sale I'd be interested :). Nice work.








yes actually... i can make you something pretty much exactly the same... i closed the finished copy of the sig but i have what i used to make the sig at my disposal so please tell me your price and ill let you know :D

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mtoy thats really nice bravo!




i respect kindess! do you want a free signature from me?








edit: lol nvm just went back to the media board and saw that you are a pixel artist... so can you do me a non runescape sig ?








if so... can you do me a paintball one ?








This is what i would like on it...








Maybe have a person shooting at another person but i want the person being shot at to have paint all over his mask... ill give you some pictures of the masks and i will give you a picture of the gun that i want the guy to be shooting with.








Heres the gun:












and here are the masks:









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ok... clothing... i want the guy being shot to be wearing this...
















dont put to much detail into it... that would be much to hard to do...








and make the guy shooting wearing the same thing but maybe a different color ?








and the background... just a nice sunny day... with a field in the background or maybe some mountains... but make things that they can hide behind...








anymore questions just ask :D

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know what... i really dont like rs anymore... ill just give it to you for free...




do you just want your name to be like mine or ?








That's very nice of you, if you're certain you don't want payment then I guess I can't argue with you any. I think the text you used is a good effect, and would be better than anything else. Thanks a lot!

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