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Runescape Home page not loading!


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My runescape home page isnt loading its quite annoying!




I can access forums and highscores through previously visited sites but i cant get to world select detail and home.




I have checked the other thread on this. It is not my java. My RSclient is also not working




I have tried rebooting my computer and closing the browser it just aint working!

if you said "runescape" at my school, seeing that 90% of the population there are rednecks, they'd be like "whats that", me: "a computer game online", "eh!? oh one of those thinga-ma-gigers mrs clark got on her desk? a compooter?
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Try to reset your internet connection-that may help. If not, try using a different browser, such as Firefox or Opera. Try to clear your browser cache and your cookies as well.


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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if the rsclient and rs aren't working, it is either your java, or something blocking your java. try to shut off your firewalls and the like.


There are 10 types of people: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Appreciate Bacteria! It's the only form of culture some people have.

The brain's right side controls the body's left, so only lefties are in their right mind.


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If he can't get onto the runescape homepage it's not his java. The homepage is not written in java, only the game is.




Hava you tried disabling your firewall? Maybe your parents blocked the runescape home page since you were playing too much? (it could happen)

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last I checked, the entire website was not written in html, or any other language that generates html, so it seemed like it was java... maybe that changed...


There are 10 types of people: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Appreciate Bacteria! It's the only form of culture some people have.

The brain's right side controls the body's left, so only lefties are in their right mind.


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Hmm, it appears it came off of some kind of error two days ago. Even I couldn't access the world switcher, forums, or the main Runescape homepage. It should now be fixed, so I am going to recommend that yu try it again. If you are still having problems, then feel free to post it again. :) Hope this helps.




Taking it the Smart Way!

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Hmm, it appears it came off of some kind of error two days ago. Even I couldn't access the world switcher, forums, or the main Runescape homepage. It should now be fixed, so I am going to recommend that yu try it again. If you are still having problems, then feel free to post it again. :) Hope this helps.


have you been reading my posts? lol




does anybody know if they changed the website from java to something else, or was it just my imagination that the page didn't have a source and the address never changed?


There are 10 types of people: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Appreciate Bacteria! It's the only form of culture some people have.

The brain's right side controls the body's left, so only lefties are in their right mind.


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last I checked, the entire website was not written in html, or any other language that generates html, so it seemed like it was java... maybe that changed...




Hmm, it appears it came off of some kind of error two days ago. Even I couldn't access the world switcher, forums, or the main Runescape homepage. It should now be fixed, so I am going to recommend that yu try it again. If you are still having problems, then feel free to post it again. :) Hope this helps.


have you been reading my posts? lol




does anybody know if they changed the website from java to something else, or was it just my imagination that the page didn't have a source and the address never changed?




...wow. I guess I should scrape some more roadkill off the Information Superhighway.




The RuneScape site is not, and never has, been in any way connected to Java. Ever. The game is written in Java, and when you play the game a Java applet is distributed to your browser through the HTML that the RuneScape webserver is returning.




You have no idea how much rage I had to suppress right now -- don't even pretend to know what you're talking about.



Web designer, PHP programmer, security analyst, and occasional goat milker.


ESCAPE WINDOWS! Dedicated poweruser of Ubuntu Linux.

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does anybody know if they changed the website from java to something else, or was it just my imagination that the page didn't have a source and the address never changed?




The address of the runescape mainpage doesn't change, because the page uses frames, and loads the content into the middle frame. As for the source, the main page, runescape.com, has the frameset element with the noframes alt tag in its source. If you got to http://runescape.com/title.ws, which is the content that is loaded into the main frame if the code determines that your browser supports frames, you can ctrl+u it, and see that the doctype is html 4.01 transitional (though i'm sure it is php based)




But does anyone know what is up with their .ws page extension. I've never see it used before except as a tld?




As for your problem, what browser are you using, and what type of meesage do you get when trying to access the page? You could try to clear your cache.


FF: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> Clear Now Button


IE: Control Panel -> Internet Options -> On the first tab, in the browsing history section, hit the delete tab

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