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Wall to the paper I made it in bryce


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:lol: JPG only makes a certain amount of it look... bad. The rest is due to that it just is. Then again, I don't use bryce, so excuse my ignorance on it :P.









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bryce isnt good for scenes




and thats pretty simple








Yeah tell that to theakman2....












Bryce 5 can create great scenes. While it may not be as powerful as other programs as far as landscapes go, and maybe not as realistic as 'terragen' in a sense, it still works.












btw, theakman2 would make some awsome forest scenes and very realistic ones with bryce 5 :P












Anyways... as for this scene, i'm not to keen of it. I don't realy like the way the island is so high up , and the character doesn't seem like it fits.

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jpg isnt a bad format when will you people learn! :evil: its only bad in paint because its quality is set to 50 percent or something allong that direction








it seems as if you copy and pasted one of your characters in it ..?




dont do that , and i dont like it.

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