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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS

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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS

made by Shadow2290 & Evileyes987








Dungeons and dragons(omg)








-Area where red drags is opened to them, however, it contains two blues, and three greens.Multi-area.




-They can BUY(sorry about that) mith arrows and maple bows




-Can craft blue dragonhide












-7 new dungeons








-3 of them are multi




-one multi-dungeon is accesable after part 4 of the underground pass




-this dungeon contains, tons of red and blue dragons(non-wildy)




-It also has ogres and shadow Spiders and Shadow Warriors








-The second multi-dungeon is in morytania, it contains tons of demons. 25 imps, 12 lessers, 7 greaters, and 5 blacks




-To get in you must kill a level 150 undead guard(only once)








-The third multi-dungeon contains a level 211 monster that drops the rare dragon chain(1/180) which is in a room surrounded by massive amounts of hell-hounds and fire giants(only the lvl.211 monster has multi) to get in you must also kill a level 150 undead guard. It is located in deep wildy at the end of an agility course requiring 60 agility. THe place is not wildy itself so you can tele.








-one non-multi has 15 of every giant. Fire giants at the top and ice and moss to the left and right. Giants in the middle. located near the ogre lands. During a quest between ogres and invading giants.








-one non-multi containing all dragons up to blue(bab blues, green, and blues about 7 of each grown dragon, 12 blues) that requires you to go to a special area in the wildy and enter a ring of teleportation. When you want to leave the dragon island a hermit near the shore teleports you to fally. The island itself has one fishing spot containing lobster and swordies. The hermit also give you a history about the island and why there are dragons here. He tells you that they were banished here when they decided to aide Zamorack and Saradomin during the war with zaros. They now live a peaceful life here. You have options to say "hail Saradmon/Zamorack" and if you do he hits you with his staff and yells at you.








-One dungeon is a massive battle between zamorack and Saradomin. Monks from each side cast god spells one eachother in the middle whilst paladins and white knights fight dark warriors and black knights. THere are camps on each side of the battle field with men for you to fight. Right below the black knights. The saradominists are attempting to siege from below.




















-This last one is maddening. The area with the ardy lever is expanded. The ardy lever is pushed to the right of a MASSIVE temple. It has an alter and a huge set of stairs going to the dungeon.








-To the right is a set of steps going to the basement of the dungeon, which is a large dome in multi, a plain dome that's it. 56 wildy, perfect for wars. This is the true reason for the dungeon.








-The first level of the dungeon has scattered wall that say push-on and allow you to go to secret areas. 4 ladders in each cornor to get to the second floor. The first floor is littered with hobgoblins and high-level zombies(40-50).
















-The Second floor is in the shape of a three-pronged fork. The " handle" has Shadow Warriors about 10. First prong has Black Demons, the middle one becomes multi and has the level 211 monster. The Last one has Black dragons. The laddder to the dome is in the multi-area monster.

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This idea is similar to the one where they make r3hs and you can grow farms on the handle of the r3h which allows you to grow herbs and when you got enough herbs it increases all your skills to 99 and you get 200mill cash in your bank... Nice idea!


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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Guest ChrisM1819

So.....when wil thses updates be? I checked jagex a second ago and there was nothing new.

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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS













I made up these myself. Howabout someone actually COMMENTS ON THE IDEA!

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This idea is similar to the one where they make r3hs and you can grow farms on the handle of the r3h which allows you to grow herbs and when you got enough herbs it increases all your skills to 99 and you get 200mill cash in your bank... Nice idea!








I agree, some of your ideas are farfetched and I think that Jagex doesn't really need help with quests as the only requirement that a 9 year old level 30 be able to complete them without the slightest form of a thought.

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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS

My ideas are farfetched but they leave areas to be changed and developed upon at JAGeX's whim. Would you rather it be farfetched or it be













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My ideas are farfetched but they leave areas to be changed and developed upon at JAGeX's whim. Would you rather it be farfetched or it be




















KBD is level 245 on RSC. Level 4 Rat < Level 245 Dragon








Good try tho.

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The things in caps was sarcasm, don't over analyze it.








Being sarcastic to avoid admitting to the fact that I am right draws me to the conclusion that you are under the age of 13.

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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS

My name is shadow2290, and what usually is the English set-up for a year












Sarcasm was the best way at the time for me to prove my point. Also, the over generalization that all quest require the attention span and IQ of a nine year old is a bit sarcastic as well wouldn't you say? Now why don't you stay on topic, kthxbye.

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My name is shadow2290, and what usually is the English set-up for a year












Sarcasm was the best way at the time for me to prove my point. Also, the over generalization that all quest require the attention span and IQ of a nine year old is a bit sarcastic as well wouldn't you say? Now why don't you stay on topic, kthxbye.








Stay on topic, you proceeded to caps lock and shift the hell out of a few redundant sentences which only proved to be some sort of a diversion to the fact that your ideas are farfetched and would never be considered by Jagex for implementation in the game. Make a quest a level 30 could finish in under 10 minutes and you have a Jagex quality quest. Anything harder is impossible.

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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS

Your right, the underground pass, Legends, and Waterfall quest were impossible, I'm sorry.








The whole point of the sarcasm I made was to show you that it was farfetched but it wasnt bogus and easy. I created dungeons and places that require actual work to enter and a higher level than 30 and a longer attention span than that of a 9 year old.

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Your right, the underground pass, Legends, and Waterfall quest were impossible, I'm sorry.








The whole point of the sarcasm I made was to show you that it was farfetched but it wasnt bogus and easy. I created dungeons and places that require actual work to enter and a higher level than 30 and a longer attention span than that of a 9 year old.








We aren't talking about how your ideas relate in every day life. We are talking about the possibility of it even remotely being implemented by Jagex. Jagex pleases the pre teens before the please the people with the intelligence to actually complete half difficult quests. We are talking about Jagex not the US Government. For most, your ideas are great, but for Jagex they are too farfetched.

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Guest ARchShadowNiGHTS

Well of course thay aren't going to use our(me and evileyes) ideas. I was just hoping that this kind of massive update nd such would get them thinking. Instead just tons of new servers, new areas for training.

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Well of course thay aren't going to use our(me and evileyes) ideas. I was just hoping that this kind of massive update nd such would get them thinking. Instead just tons of new servers, new areas for training.








Jagex is only worried about money. As long as there are more 10 year old [bleep]s Jagex will continue to serve the masses rather than the more intelligent minorities.

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with my ideas, the masses would certainly yell in happiness.








Not quite, newbs can only beg for items, not levels ;) levels are actually required to visit those dungeons :P

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Guest Droidlives

Andrew already stated that there will be NO MORE UPDATES FOR FREE PLAYERS AFTER RS2 WAS AVAILABLE TO THEM.....fools....

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